Yuri- Plans

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I'm going to VidCon this year not as a fan, but as a YOUTUBER! I can't wait! Oh I should introduce myself. I am Yuri, my YouTube channel is Yuri Below. I get to go to other YouTuber's panels if I want and meet with my fans!

I really want to meet some members of the Dream SMP. Who knows, maybe I'll get to set a day to collab with them. I mean I have online school, so I won't missed any days. Okay, now I'm rambling.

Anyways, VidCon starts on March 8, which is my Birthday! I have to fly to LA in three days so I can get settled for the five days we are there, I'll be there for six days. I can't wait, I've reserved a hotel room for me; my mom; my dad; and my sister, Butterfly. My sister also has a YouTube channel, we have been pestering Mom and Dad to start a channel for the family, they said it will be soon.

"Yuri!" Mom hollered.

"What?!?" I replied.
"Have you packed?!?"


"Have you made videos for when we are gone!"

"I was going to vlog during VidCon!"

"Still make another video for each day just in case!"


Welp, time to make another video. Minecraft, Gods of Olympus, or Clash of Clans? I thought, Oh! I know, I'll do two of each, one the first and fourth, one the second and fifth, and one for the third and sixth! After that I recorded minecraft for thirty minutes, using the same intro.

"Hello, Everyone! For the next six days my sister and I are collabing!" I said into the microphone

"Hi, my little caterpillars!" Butterfly said to her camera. "So, what are we playing today, Yuri?"

"Okay, so, we are playing build battle on Minecraft. Who ever gets a higher position wins."

"Okay, but I know you, what does the loser have to do?"

"Nothing much, just speaking in a British accent all day."

"Wait, What?!? A British accent the rest of the day?!?"


"Okay, let's go build."

So we played build battle and Butterfly won. Great. Then we started to play on our survival world called 'Sister Power', we just created it, and we're going to post the first episode the fourth day we are gone.

"Hello, everyone! As you know, Butterfly and I are at VidCon, so this is recorded three days before we left for VidCon. So we are playing a new series called 'Sister Power', where Butterfly and I will work together as a team." I said in a thick British accent.

"And as you can tell it was recorded the same day as build battle, which Yuri lost." Butterfly said normally and stuck her tongue out at me.

So we played for another thirty minutes and we got the main essentials for survival on minecraft. After that we played Gods of Olympus.

"Hello, everyone, it's my birthday!" I said, again in a thick British accent.

"Hello! What are we doing today, Yuri?" Butterfly asked.

"Today we are playing Gods of Olympus and Butterfly is the Leader of our alliance, 'We are Family'."

"Okay, let's go attack three times!"

So we played Gods of Olympus for eighteen minutes. Then we played Clash of clans for fifteen minuts then fifteen more minutes, to help people learn how to upgrade things and place soldiers to win an attack. Finally, we were done getting ready for VidCon. We then went and pampered ourselves, before we went finished getting ready to travel to L.A. and got fully ready. We want to a hair salon to get our hair curled and got our nails done. Then we were ready to leave in three days.


Word: 608

Thank you everyone for giving this book a try. If you'd like to be part of this book, comment saying a name you'd like to go by, a YouTube channel name you'd like to be yours (must be original), and finally what you'd call your subscribers. Thank you so much. 💙


Originally published on 3/13/2018

Edited to reboot on 4/30/2021

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