Butterfly- Girl's Day Out

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Today, two days before we fly to L.A., Mom; Yuri; and I were going to go to a spa to get prepared for VidCon. Yuri and I tried to explain to Mom that we could go by ourselves but she said that she wanted to go with us. But anyways, we went to the spa and got our nails painted while we got face treatments. Yuri got their nails painted royal blue with bronze details, I got mine painted purple with yellow details, and Mom got hers painted pink with white details.

After that we went into the car to go to a restaurant. While in the car Yuri's phone rang.
"Who is it?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know. I don't have it in my contacts." Yuri responded.

"Answer it. It could be about VidCon, or one of your favorite YouTubers." They answered it.

"Hello?" Yuri asked.

"Hi! Is this Yuri Below?" The person on the phone asked.


"Great! I'm Max. You may know me as Mithzan." said the person and there was a person in the back who said. "And Ross!"

"Wait. I'm talking to Max and Ross?!?"

"Yes, you are talking to Max and Ross is here too."

"Ekkk! You are amazing! I love your videos!"

"Well, thank you. Anyways I'd actually like to talk to you about my videos"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... You know how we play goose goose duck, amoung us, and have some roleplays? well we are currently short someone for the games for a few months due to personal issues if you'd like to join us " Max offered Yuri.

"I'd love to." Yuri said while doing a silent happy dance.

"Great! Are you going to VidCon in three days?"

"I'm actually flying to LA in two days. I'll arrive on the seventh of March."

"Okay. Then can we meet at the hotel on the seventh at twelve?"


"Okay I'll see you then." Max said. Then Yuri turned off their phone and squealed so loud.

Mom looked at Yuri through the mirror. What is the big deal about playing some games with random people? I thought.

____________Time skip brought to you by Writersblock__________

When we got to the restaurant we were seated as soon as we walked in because everyone started to crowd Yuri asking for their autograph and a picture since they had their mask on with a hood to cover their hair. The hostess came over and said "Black party of three?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Okay, I'll get your table ready." The hostess said.

"Yuri, I'll text you where we are and you can come when you get done with this craziness."

"Okay," they replied. I wonder why everyone wants their autograph and picture. I thought to myself.

So I texted Yuri where we were seated.

After a few minutes, I saw Yuri walking toward us looking exhausted. "So what was that about?" I asked my sister.

"Just some fans wanting to prove that they had met me. You can guess what happened from there." Yuri replied.

"It got all crazy and you said that you had to go or I'd get worried." Mom said like it was normal.


"You shouldn't wear your mask in public except for meet-ups."

"Yeah. I don't care for the attention." Yuri told mom.

Just then our waitress came over. "Hello, I'm Katelyn. And I'll be taking care of you today." My eyes went big. It's Katelyn. Katelyn from high school? "Can I start you off with drinks?"

"I'll have water with lemon." Mom told her.

"Root Beer, please," Yuri said.

"I'll have Sprite," I said, still in shock. I wonder if she recognizes me from high school, I thought to myself.

"I'll be right back with your drinks," Katelyn said and walked off. Wow. I never thought I'd see someone from high school, besides my cousins, again. I thought once more before Yuri snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You're daydreaming again, Butterfly," Yuri said.

"I-I am?" I asked. "I was thinking about some...thing.

"I can tell. It's obvious. I mean, I am also thinking about something. But I don't think I can express it in words."

"Let me guess. You're thinking about VidCon."

"Yes," Yuri sighed. Just then, Katelyn came up and gave us our drinks. Did she hear any of our conversation? If she did what will she say?

"Are you ready to order?" Katelyn asked.

_________Time skip brought to you by 739 words so far__________

After we ate we had to get out of the restaurant without Yuri being recognized, somehow. We decided that Yuri would keep their hood and mask off. Then Mom and I would be on either side and we would go from there.

We somehow managed to get out of the restaurant and onto the car without being noticed by the public. Then we went home and got a nice long night full of sleep.


Words: 813

Thank you everyone for reading this chapter, If you'd like to be part of this book, comment saying a name you'd like to go by, a YouTube channel name you'd like to be yours (must be original), and finally what you'd call your subscribers. Thank you so much. 💙


Originally published on 4/18/2018

Edited to reboot on 7/23/2022

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