Chapter Eleven: Wprowadzenia

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Victoria sat with her head in her boyfriend's lap, happy that she was finally safe with him.

Gilbert was stroking her silky hair. "Gilbert," Victoria mumbled, "Where's Nero? And I heard that there's a new child of Nemesis..."

Gilbert hummed. "I think Nero's in the infirmary. That's where I saw Colin carrying him, anyway. And Will told me he was taking the new kid there, too."

"Why are all my siblings in the infirmary these days?" Victoria sighed, "I'm so lonely in the cabin by myself."

"Not by yourself," Gilbert reminded her, "Ethan's there too."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Well, yes," she snorted, "but Ethan's always off somewhere. I haven't a clue where he's run off to today."

There was a knock on the door. Victoria stood to see who it was. She smiled when she saw her newest half-sibling. "Cześć, musisz być Damienem."

The demigod that stood in the doorway gave her a confused look and then asked, "What?"

She giggled and then translated, "I said, Hello, you must be Damien."

Damien nodded and then entered the cabin. "Who is he?"

"That's my boyfriend," Victoria explained, "he's the brother to the kid who helped you in the infirmary."

Gilbert grinned and waved. "Your eye doesn't look too good," he commented, cocking his head. Damien reached up with his good arm and gingerly touched it. "Something hit me, I think," he said, "While I was running away with the goat-kid thing."

"Satyr," Victoria said automatically. Damien nodded. "Yeah, the satyr," he said, "we were running toward that hill and monsters were chasing us. I still can't believe any of this is real!"

Victoria nodded, remembering she had felt the same way when she'd been rescued by a satyr. Everything had seemed like a dream all day.

"Well," said Gilbert, getting to his feet, "let's go show you the orientation video. You'll like it, kid."

Damien nodded. Victoria couldn't stop herself asking, "How old are you?"

The younger demigod looked at her with his pale-blue eyes. "I'm ten," he said finally, "ten years old."

Victoria nodded and watched the two boys leave the Apollo cabin, a small smile on her face. She had another little brother.

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