Chapter Twelve: Spotkania

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"That was so awesome!" Damien gushed, charging out of the Big House full speed, "I'm really the son of the revenge goddess?"

"Yes," puffed Gilbert, who was struggling to keep up with the hyper young demigod, "but you have to be careful with your powers."

"Why?" the boy asked with confusion laced into his words.

"Recently," Aaron said from her position atop the hill, "we had an accident involving two children of Nemesis and a wood nymph."

Nino appeared from inside of the tree, "The way you say it, you make it sound like the setup for a joke."

Aaron glared at the teenager, who was climbing out of the hollow of the tree. "It very well might have been, Nino-san," she said, using his Japanese title in such a way that it sounded like an insult. Nino huffed and glared back.

"A wood nymph?" Damien asked, dumbfounded at the term.

Nino giggled and slung his arms around the new son of Nemesis, "You have much to learn, young padawan."

Aaron rolled her eyes at the Star Wars reference, but still, let the Japanese teenager walk off with the new camper.

Gilbert stood at the base of the hill, watching Nino and Damien walking toward the Nemesis cabin. By the looks of it, Damien was asking question after question.

Gilbert's gaze moved to the Hecate cabin, which glowed faintly with blue magic. A tall girl came out of it, her long black hair swishing, and glanced at a brick. She smiled and patted the brick, then lifted her hands in the air and made a ball of lurid pink fire in the air. She called out something Gilbert couldn't hear, and a boy came out of the Aphrodite cabin. The Hecate girl looked at him expectantly, and the Aphrodite guy laughed, pointing at the pink fireball and saying something that again, Gilbert couldn't hear.

The German demigod smiled and headed back towards the Apollo cabin.

"What's going on?" Victoria asked as she watched her boyfriend re-enter the cabin.

"New kid met Nino," Gilbert explained before he leaned down to kiss his girlfriend. "Ich liebe dich."

Victoria smiled. "I love you, too," she murmured and squeezed her boyfriend's hand. Gilbert kissed her again and sat down next to her.

"Gilbert?" said a voice from the infirmary, "Where's Will? My neck still hurts."

Gilbert sighed and stood up. "Your brother is very whiny," he commented to Victoria with a wink. She giggled and let him go, turning back to the window to watch Colin from the Hebe cabin embellishing his cabin wall with a sketch of a teal-blue eye. She blinked. Did Colin like her? If so, he was going to be very disappointed to know that she already liked someone.

Mostly Normal: Hearts and Spadesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن