Chapter Twenty: Nowe Początki

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"Do widzenia. Odwiedzę cię," called Victoria the very next week.

Gilbert called the translation: "Goodbye. She says she'll visit you, and she's not coming back without me!" well, maybe not the exact translation, but it was close. Damien waved sadly. He'd grown to like Victoria, the tall, pretty blond Polish girl, and her fiance, the German son of Apollo. Ethan smiled and waved, too.

"I hope they have a good time at Camp Jupiter," the one-eyed demigod said wistfully. Maxine, who was standing hand in hand with Colin from the Hebe cabin, gave him a smile. She seemed to be doing that more often lately. None of the other campers knew exactly why, but there were rumors floating around that Colin had proposed. Maybe he had. He and Maxine had been together more often than not, so it was a good guess.

Victoria leaned against Gilbert's shoulder as the black van drove away to Camp Jupiter with the rest of the children that had grown too old for their childhood camp.

During the majority of the road trip, at least for the first day, they were rather upset because of the fact that the majority of the campers inside of the truck were, in fact, leaving their homes.

In the days that followed, the ride got louder and louder, much to the aggravation of the driver. Victoria was just happy that she could be with her soon-to-be husband.

Maxine laughed joyously as her brother cracked another joke, she sat hand in hand with her boyfriend while her brothers watched the camp fire. All of them were finally at peace when it came to Nero, it was not like he was dead any longer, but rather he lived very far away from them all.

For now, peace had settled over both of the camps.

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Authors Letters

Dear Readers,

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it as much as Kat and I did. We both had so much fun reading this. (For your information, SPOILERS: Kat has decided that since I killed two of her characters in a row, that she is going to kill off two of mine, so be careful while reading.) We poured so much into this work, it took forever to write and a lot of tears were shed over our poor little babies. I was in a play during the majority of this so I think that this is mostly Kat's story, these are her babies.I would like to again thank our beta reader and Kat for making this entire thing possible, it truly has become like another fandom entirely for the three of us, we enjoy writing these books so much.It made us all smile when we got to bring back our favorite characters, my babies have grown even further than they already were. I had so much joy brought to me when I wrote more about Taka, giving him a cousin was the best thing ever. I was in the process of reading Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle when we named Nero(he's Kat's baby, not mine) so that is why he is named that, much to our obliviousness. I was also very into a video game called 'Life is Strange,' so if Maxine resembles Chloe, that's why. Victoria speaks in English a lot of time even though she doesn't know English very well because we don't speak Polish. If at anytime you notice something wrong with the other languages that we used I would be delighted to have proper translations. Thank you, dear readers, for reading, and remember, eye rolls, sarcasm, and sighs are lethal.

Sincerely, Lilly Flower

Dear Readers,

I have never stopped telling Lilly that I will eventually kill off two of her characters, and I still haven't done it. Maybe because she'll be super mad if I kill off the one (I don't have two in mind yet) that I've decided I want to kill. Sorry, I'm not going to say anything more here, as that would be really, really spoiling it. After writing this book, I'd have to admit that Google Translate is probably my hero, haha. I had such an awesome time with the plot, even if it meant sort of torturing my precious babies at times. It's still fun! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Lilly for another awesome title! I have no idea where she gets these amazing ideas. Also, many thanks to our beta reader. I've never met her face-to-face but we've done some chatting online, and she's pretty much awesome, just like Lilly and all my other friends that help me out with writing! Thank you for reading our stories, and hopefully liking them. I sure had tons of fun writing these fan fictions, and I'm sure Lilly did too.

Sincerely, Kat

Dear readers,

Like the first one, I absolutely LOVED this story, and for your information, I finished this story on 11/27/17, so if you beat me, good job, if not, that's okay too. I find this book (To me) is very happy, except for the sad parts (durh)

Anyway, I would like to share some of my favorite quotes from this story, which are,

"Will you marry me?" That was so adorable!!! I don't know about you, but I loved it!

(the hand that she had stolen back from Aaron) 

Sincerely, TimeTurner13

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