Chapter Seventeen: Braciszek

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Maxine and Victoria refused to leave Nero's side as his pulse slowly faded away from the world. Gilbert walked over and then placed his hands on his girlfriend's shoulders, shaking his head before he continued on.

Will Solace and his best friend, Nico, who had woken up three days before the incident, started to make preparations for a burial casket. Victoria started to sob as her brother was pulled away from her. A folded piece of paper clenched within her white hands.

Maxine stood, her already dark eyes clouded with sorrow she ran out of the tent and then to her cabin, flopping down onto her bed, making her still living brothers glance at each other with worry. They looked at each other then raced off to the infirmary.

That night, everyone stood around the campfire with a somber silence heavy over top of the normally boisterous camp.

Maxine was standing with her head in her hands, trying to control her grief. She knew Nero had been very sick, perhaps from all the power he'd unleashed when he'd cursed Nico, but she hadn't been expecting this. It was a huge blow. She'd known Nero almost ever since she'd come to camp. His absence would take months, maybe years, to get used to.

Chiron clopped forward solemnly to stand in front of the sorrowful campers. "If anyone would like to say a few words," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "now is the time."

Victoria twisted the paper in her hands, staring at Nero's shroud, which was pitch-black with silver stars. She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Nero was a brave demigod," she began, her voice cracking on 'demigod'. She cleared her throat and continued. "You were very brave, Nero. I always admired you, even if I didn't ever admit it. I loved you, and I will always remember you and love you, even though you're gone. I--I hope you achieve Elysium. You made me proud." she started choking up and backed up to stand with her siblings once more. Ethan gave her a sympathetic look and rubbed his remaining eye, trying to hide the fact that he, too, was crying.

Maxine sighed deeply and trudged forward, her head bent so her blue hair fell over her face. She probably didn't want anyone to see her tears. "Why did you have to die now, Nero?" she sobbed, anguished, "Why? You were only fourteen. Too young!"

Nico di Angelo stood at the edge of the clearing, in the shadows. Victoria couldn't see much of him, but she could have sworn he was looking at Maxine. And then, after a moment, he turned and disappeared into the night. No one noticed his absence but Victoria, who narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything. Nico was up to something. But what?

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