MBTI Struggles

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Here's something each MBTI type struggles with:

INFJ: Living in the real world

INFJ's have very strong Ni, so they are always in their own worlds, paying very little attention to the real, material, physical world. INxxs struggle with this more than the other types.

ENFJ: Letting others care for them

A fiercely independent type, ENFJs don't like others caring for them because it makes them feel weak and unable to support themselves. IxTPs and ExTJs all have this strong independence as well, in varying amounts.

INFP: Small talk

INFPs enjoy deep discussions, so small talk with them will be forced. They think this kind of conversation shallow and will be unable to connect to anyone else on this level. INTPs struggle even more with small talk as they believe it is a waste of time.

ENFP: Maintaining focus

ENFPs enjoy letting their minds wander over every possibility. They cannot focus on one thing for long. ISTPs do not enjoy focusing intensely on one thing either.

INTJ: Talking to people they dislike

Who does? But this type, and IxTPs especially, find this a total waste of time and energy. Talking to someone you dislike? Talking is an effort in itself, save it for your friends, right?

ENTJ: Consoling someone who is sad

Emotions are much harder for people with inferior F. What do you say? What do you do? ENTJs and INTJs especially have this problem, but so do IxTPs.

INTP: Giving confirmation

INTPs see endless possibilities and like to keep things open, letting the odds play out before making a decision. They always make the mostly malleable decision. ISFJs and ISTPs also find definites hard.

ENTP: Following the rules

Always one to bend the rules, even without meaning to, while IxTPs make it their purpose to find ways to bend the rules for the intellectual thrill.

ISTJ: Going with the flow

ISTJs hate being out of control. Going with the flow... they don't know where it will take them. This type hates uncertainty, and always has a definite if possible. INTJs are like this too, they always plan everything out.

ISFJ: Too much attention

ISFJs hate being given too much attention, especially if it requires them to perform a physical task in public. They may feel uncomfortable with how they look in the moment. Many introverted types don't like attention either.

ESFJ: Taking care of themselves

ESFJs are a very caring type, and therefore may forget about themselves. Dominant Fe types tend to do this.

ISTP: Being sensitive

ISTPs don't like emotion, and tend to squash their own down. This is due to their inferior Fe, and they feel awkward when people take things personally or are offended by the ISTPs often dark humor. INTPs relate to this more than the other types.

ESTP: Loneliness

This type hates being alone for a long time. They like many types of social interaction, whether it be funny, intellectual or just being with loud friends at a party. ENTPs will relate to this 

ISFP: Being predictable

This type aren't the best planners, and they don't particularly want to be! They change their minds last minute, and don't like sticking to a schedule. Boring is very unappealing to them as well as many IxxPs

ESFP: Boring topics

ESFPs are social, fast moving people who are quite the opposite of many introverts. They move from one topic to another in rapid succession and often just brush the surface of each topic. Deep, intellectual conversations are not appreciated as much by these types. ESTPs are often like this also.

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