MBTI: Please stop

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ISTJ: Please stop saying "We can't do that"

ISTP: Please stop thinking that everyone is evil or stupid or both

ISFJ: Please stop worrying so much

ISFP: Please stop taking 200 photos per hour

ESTJ: Please stop hating on people who don't go by your rules

ESTP: Please stop saying "We can do that"

ESFJ: Please stop pretending to be friends even with the people you hate

ESFP: Please stop taking 300 selfies per hour

INTJ: Please stop having a superiority complex

INTP: Please stop subconsciously making everyone feel stupid

INFJ: Please stop psychoanalyzing me

INFP: Please stop thinking that nobody understands you (they really don't but still)

ENTJ: Please stop planning everyones lives

ENTP: Please stop questioning everything

ENFJ: Please stop alternating between being so dramatic and being cold

ENFP: Please stop always being late

Don't be offended, this is meant to be funny:)

Guys how did I get to 2K reads on this book, Thank you so much!

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