Well Hello.

952 38 7

Hoshi (POV)


“I’ve been walking for hours already! Where’s a town already?!” Signed.


“Maybe I should rest here.” I said eyeing the ground to see if its comfortable enough for me.


(<< rewind)

Okay I’m going to tell you where I’m at right now and how I got where I’m at.


Well right now I’m next to some waterfall, oasis. And holes on my hat, you can see my mouth now but that’s all.


How did I get to this oasis is a mystery.  I kept running for my life from noises that come from nowhere. First there was a rustle, thud, and then a bang( a sound when something fall from a high level.) each sound I heard, I ran about 5 miles away from it.

(end of rewind >>)


* huff, huff*

Walking towards the river to get a sip of water. Out of the side of my eyes I see a deer heading towards me.Looking at the deer that’s beside me now.


“what you want some?” I said looking at the deer. looking for awhile I moved my hand up with water. It move back a little thinking if I was a threat.


“It’s okay.” I said looking at it in the eye. It started to bend its head down but sudden rustle came and startle the little creature and ran.


“come out I know you’re there.” I said still looking where the deer ran off. The person came out of the bush and walk towards me and stop right in front of me.


“can I help you gentle man.” I said with closed eyes hoping it’s not a robber or thief.


The man still didn’t talk.


“Excuse me. can I help you.” I said more rougher and mean. While opening my eyes and start to look up to the man.


“please don’t bother m...me.” When I finally look up there stood a man around 6-7ft tall I think. He had these dangerous eyes but why do I find them so beautiful, if they are supposed to scare people.


“I..I’m,..s...sorry for my rudeness sir.” I said looking down on the ground.


The man pull out his hand.’ must be a mute.’


“Excuse me from asking this but are you perhaps mute?” Now looking towards his eyes to see if he is lying.


He shook his head yes.’ It seem it’s half a lie and half truth. but can’t really tell but I’ll go with his word.’


“Okay. I’ll take that as a yes.”


“how about you sit down.huh?” patting the grass next to me. He was hesitant of my offer but gave in and sat next to me.


“Well…. let’s start with introducing each other. I’ll start my name is Hiromi hoshi hotaru but you can call me hoshi if you want.”Smiled then bowed a little,then look to his eyes.’ They are beautiful.’


The man grab a stick and start writing his name on the grass: ‘Masrur’.” Oh so your name is masrur. Nice name I like it.”


Masrur just shook his head so I took that as a thank you.” Your welcome.”


While time went past I asks question to him and he did me a little. the sun was going down and Masrur look at me.


Then wrote on the grass.” Ain’t you going to head home, it’s pretty late, the sun is going down.” When finish he look towards me waiting for an answer.


“Well you see here Masrur I don’t have a home.” I said with sad eyes but I lied to him.


Masrur just sit there for awhile looking at the distant empty.


Then he wrote “ I will stay.” Looking directly to my eyes.


I turned from him blushing like crazy.


Masrur (POV)


The king will be worry but I have to protect hoshi. She been so nice and kind to me. I thought she would leave and run just like the deer or when she looked at me. she looks so fragile and weak, like the smallest touch from my hand will break her whole body.


Hoshi is so beautiful even though I can only see half of her face, I can tell that she is beautiful. Inside and out.


While thinking of this made me blush just a little. Lucky hoshi’s turned around because I think she would have seen it. Blushing even more thinking about her turning around.


Hoshi (POV)


Masrur been so nice to me. He’s such a gentle man.


“Oh...okay...thank you for staying.” Still turned around to not show him my blush.


I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to just see Masrur face so close to mine. So scared I tripped back landing on my butt.


“Are you okay?” said Masrur with very worry eyes.


“Yes, I’m fine.” rubbing my butt. just realized Masrur just spoke. I widen my eyes looking at Masrur.


“You TALKed!” I said with still wide eyes.


“Yes.” Masrur said quietly.


“I knew I can make you talk but I was wondering when.” saying that with a huge grin on my face.

Like a kid that found a new toy or item. I said “Talk again.Talk again!”

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