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Arthur's (England's) p.o.v

finally, after weeks of constant evasion we've finally got them. those bloody 2p's have no idea what's coming their way. the plan was that the axis would take them from the right while me and the allies attacked them from he left. I just hope that this plan works.

"does everybody understand their roles?" asked Ludwig (Germany).

Lovino (South Italy) grumbled swears under his breath while Antonio (Spain) and Gilbert (Prussia) noded.

"hai" answered Kiku (Japan).

"ve~ let's-a do this!" said Feliciano enthusiastically (North Italy).

the allies comprehended the plan as well. Oh well, expect the worst hope for the best.

no one's p.o.v

"psst, yo, Iggy" whispered Alfred (America). "what is it now America?" asked Arthur. "what exactly are we gonna do after we capture these guys?" asked America. "I'm still working on that part" answered Arthur "now be quiet, you git" he hissed.

* 5 min. time skip *

'okay, the axis should give us the signal any moment now...' thought England "ack! E-(cough)-England! England!" said America "what is it now-" Arthur froze. "My my~ what a lovely surprise!" said Arthur's 2p counterpart... Oliver, along side America's 2p whom was fighting with him

"h-how did you find us you bloody pink freak??!!" asked Arthur "(gasp) what language! as for your question, did you really think we'd be that easy to catch off guard?" asked Oliver in a taunting tone.

"if you think we'll go down without a fight you've got another thing coming you bloody wanker" Arthur said in a low threatening tone while taking out his wand. "(sigh), and there you go again with that foul mouth of yours, honestly it is VERY ungentlemanly" sighed Oliver while twirling a knife in his hands and his electric blue eyes started started swirling with pink.

the 2p's camp became a battle zone, with each 1p fighting their respective counterpart... well except for maybe a few exceptions.

"alright!, I've had just about enough of this nonsense!" said Arthur as he clutched his wand. Arthur started muttering and chanting in an incomprehensible language when all of a sudden a bright light erupted from his wand temporarily blinding both 1p's and 2p's. the last thing the 1p's saw before passing out was the surrounding nature of an unknown location before everything went dark...


howdy there!, i'm kinda new to the wattpad community and with this being my first story and all i would really appreciate constructive criticism. anyways, i hope you enjoyed the introduction and i'll se ya'll l8ter, kay?

c ya~!!!!!

1p/2p hetalia x Neko! Winged! readerWhere stories live. Discover now