CH. 5 (OLD)

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(y/n)'s p.o.v :

"I suppose a tour of the island would be a good idea and help get used to this place, eh?" said Mathew as he ate his pancakes. "Well, if there's no objections, then after I clean up, we'll get started!" I said as I started to eat my own breakfast. After everyone finished eating, I started to clean up.

~ 2 hour timeskip~

I was washing the dishes when someone taped my shoulder, causing me to almost drop a cup. "whoops- Sorry about that, did I scare you?" asked Arthur. I quietly sighed in relief. " J-just a little bit" I answered. "Well I just came by to lend a hand in cleaning the dishes" said Arthur. "Oh! s-sure! thank you for offering, could you please rinse and dry the dishes?" I asked. "Of course, love" answered Arthur.

~10 min timeskip"

"so tell me, why did you not suspect anything when I told you that we arrived here because of a spell?" asked Arthur as we put away the utensils. "Well... I'm not really meant to say... but magic isn't super unbelievable considering my... appearance" I said with hesitance. Arthur noticed my discomfort and dropped the topic by quickly changing it. "Alright then, anyways, what were those two letters about anyway?". 

I hadn't even thought about the letters until now!

"Oh yeah! I nearly forgot about those" I said. I finished the silverware. I made my way over to the letters on the kitchen table and went to the living room to read it.

I opened the letters as Ludwig walked in and saw me. "Vhat's that?" he questioned. I answered "O-oh, just a letter from my brothers... huh? that's strange...". "Vhat's strange?" said Gil as he walked into the room and sat next to me grabbing one of the now open letters. "T-they're not for me but... for you guys... well, not you guys specifically but-like-um... i-it just says to the outside humans" I mentally cursed myself for being so nervous and timid. "Kesesese~ no need to be so shy, frau~" said Gilbert with a teasing tone in his voice.

I simply hid in my pj's as I handed him the letter. "Feel free to open that, I'm gonna go change now" I said as I quickly made my way to my room and slammed the door shut. I slid to the bottom trying to calm down despite the fact that my face was burning up. "Well, time to get dressed..." I said to myself.

As I finished getting dressed, my thoughts got interrupted when I heard crashing and groaning coming from outside. I quickly made my way downstairs to find... m-more humans!?

countries's p.o.v:

Gilbert watched as (y/n) went up the stairs. 'Kesesesesese~ she's so cute vhen she's flustered~' he thought as he opened the letter and called his brother over. "Vhat does the letter say?" asked Ludwig. "Let me check" answered Gilbert.

'Outside humans,

we don't know what you want or who you work for but you better have a damn good reason as to why you're here when we get there. this is private property and you have no idea with what or who you're dealing with. we've been equipped with a detailed and specific set of skills to handle these types of situations


the (l/n) siblings

p.s: if ANYONE finds out about this island... you're gonna regret it '

Both Ludwig and Gilbert were silent after reading it and called the rest of the countries to the living room in order to privately discuss what to do. As they were discussing what to do, the sound of crashing later followed by screaming interrupted their thoughts. (y/n) burst through the door on the verge of a panic attack saying "t-there are m-m-more h-humans!! and o-one of th-them h-had an a-axe and was r-really loud and a-another w-was s-super i-inti-intimidating, I'm pretty sure one of them saw me!! th-they're all outside a-and-" she was cut off as the tears fell freely from her face.

Ivan was the first to take action as he silently made his way towards her and gently hugged her as her tears soaked his scarf. The silence was cut short by Antonio who said "well, whoever these intruders are we should take care of them as quickly as possible, no?". The others made noises of agreement and quickly grabbed whatever weapon  was available in the kitchen. "p-please be careful..." said (y/n) as her tears  subdued to a few sniffles.

Ludwig's p.o.v:

We approached the back door, seeing as that's where (y/n) said she saw the intruders. We split up into two groups of 6. "Arthur and I will survey the situation, if we give the signal you come out" I said as everyone nodded in agreement. Arthur stayed behind me as I looked for the intruders, as soon as I saw them I recognized them instantly. 

"Well? what do you see?" asked Arthur. "It's alright, it's just the Nordics" I answered and Arthur sighed in relief. We both headed back to the group and shared the news. "The Nordics are here!?" Alfred shouted. Arthur shushed him and covered Alfred's mouth with his hand, but they had already been spotted.

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