CH. 1 (OLD)

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(small A.N.) this is the outfit you're wearing

(p.s:) choose whatever necklace you like

(y/n): your name

(h/l): hair length

(h/c): hair color

(e/c): eye color

(fur/c): fur color

(fur/c): fur color

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(y/n)'s p

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(y/n)'s p.o.v:

'it's so nice out, a little cold and cloudy, but that's how I like means I get to wear nice and warm clothing...' I thought to myself happily as I continued reading and listening to my music through my headphones. It can get a little lonely and quiet around here but at least the animals keep me company. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of several heavy things falling and landing a small distance from where I was reading. 'Did a bird's nest have fall or something?... perhaps, but it wouldn't have that much noise...' I decided to get up and investigate. After finding out what caused the noise I couldn't help but let out a gasp.

no one's p.o.v:

"Ow... my bloody head..." grumbled Arthur. As he slowly got up he swore he heard a small gasp. "is everyone alright?" he asked "My head" groaned Alfred as he got up "Arthur, you black sheep! where the hell did you take us?!" asked Francis (France) while fixing his messy hair "Francis has point, da? where are we?" asked Ivan (Russia) while getting up "this island doesn't look familiar to me, aru, what about you guys?" asked Yao (China) "this island doesn't look like any of our own..." answered Kiku. "Arthur!" exclaimed Ludwig "v-vhere are the 2p's?!" he asked. Arthur hadn't even thought about them up until Ludwig mentioned that they were missing. it wasn't until the sound of a twig braking snapped them out of their thoughts and they all turned their heads toward the sound. right behind a nearby tree, stood a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and what appeared to be... (fur/c) cat ears?!

1p/2p hetalia x Neko! Winged! readerWhere stories live. Discover now