rly quick and important (a/n) (for those new to hetalia)

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hey there!

i know, i know. i'm not exactly the biggest fan of authors note's either but, bare with me. this is important.

this is for those that are new to hetalia and 2p hetalia and aren't familiar with the names yet.

you ready? here are the 1p's names:


America = Alfred

England = Arthur

France = Francis

China = Yao

Russia = Ivan

Canada = Mathew


Germany = Ludwig

Japan = Kiku

N. Italy = Feliciano

S. Italy = Lovino

Prussia = Gilbert

Spain = Antonio

and here are the 2p's (the 2p's name have many variations, so here are the ones I'm using)


America = Allen

England = Oliver

France = Francois (it's pronounced frans-wa)

China = Zao

Russia = Viktor

Canada = Mathieu (or matt)

2p AXIS:

Germany = Lutz

Japan = Kuro

N. Italy = Luciano

S. Italy = Flavio

Prussia = Gillen

Spain = Andres

Anyways that's pretty much it. i promise to up load a new chapter soon i promise, i've already got the draft i just need to finish it and upload it.

thank you for understanding and have a wonderful day!!

bye, see ya l8ter~!!!!

1p/2p hetalia x Neko! Winged! readerWhere stories live. Discover now