CHILDHOOD.....people call it the stage free of worries & full of happiness

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I too start believing it as the stage free of worries & full of happiness.
So i started believing in it when i saw the rest of my friends my classmates of 2 3rd standard enjoying laughing playing with no any speck of worry.
At that moment i smile and said to my heart oh look the life they enjoying and living.
And at the same time i wept for me i cried for me like i am  different like i deserves no happiness.thousands of times millions of days and upto now when i am at the age of 24 about..i am asking myself is nothing have changed from that childhood to now in my life.why the same thought hovers again to my mind..
So puzzled in my mind that life seems to be puzzled now.
So here the story of my life begin.......
Look the whole universe sleeping,& i am weeping
At the time when all slept only my family wept..
I am writing this doesn't mean that only i suffered
More than me i have seen my mum broked,my siblings cry..
At the time when sky looks heaven,my family gets broken.
All those sufferings daily same sufferings....
it is the age when i start realizing
What is pain
What is sorrow,suffering.

drunkenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ