Chapter 1

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I sat up the second I heard her screams. I quickly rubbed my eyes, shaking me out of my own dream, which... I couldn't remember and I sat up, scanning the room. I furiously brushed away strands of my long, curly red hair that were sticking to my forehead. My eyes immediately landed on Eden, who was in her bed, thrashing and screaming. Another nightmare, unfortunately. I grimaced and cringed as images of silver blades and blood, and the smell of blood and the glimmering metal of blades flew into my head. These were the images that haunted Eden everytime she slept, and therefore, it haunted me as well. Thanks a lot, bond.

Climbing out of bed, I crossed the few feet that separated us and stood beside her for a minute to see if she'd get better. Because sometimes, she'd start sleepwalking, and it was common knowledge to never walk a sleeper. When she showed no signs of improvement, I decided to just wake her up. "Edie," I whispered, shaking her. "Edie, wake up." Her soft whimpering dropped off, replaced by her soft gasping. "Caspian," she squeaked. "Oh God. Mother... Father?" I helped her sit up, gently shaking her again. "Eden, you aren't there anymore. Wake up."

After a few more not-so-gentle shakes, her eyes fluttered open, and in the dim lighting, I could see a flicker of consciousness start to take over. Her frantic breathing slowed, and she leaned into me, resting her head against my shoulder. I put an arm around her and ran a hand through her hair. "It's okay," I whispered. "Everything's okay." She sniffled. "I had the dream." She whispered. I knew. I always knew. But I never told her. She didn't need to know about it. "Yeah. I could tell." We sat quietly like that for several minutes, even though she was killing me. Her tall frame was barely supported by my much shorter one and I was using all my strength to keep from falling back, but I didn't dare move.

Only when I felt her emotions calm down, I leaned over to the nightstand between our beds and turned on the lamp. It glowed dimly, but neither of us really needed much to see by. Attracted by the light, Eden's cat, Ophelia, leapt up onto the sill of the open window. She gave me a wide berth— as animals didn't like dhampirs, for whatever reason—but jumped onto the bed and rubbed her head against Eden, purring softly. Animals didn't have a problem with Moroi, and they all loved Eden in particular. Smiling, she scratched the cat's chin, and I felt her calm further.

"Eden, when did we last do a feeding?" I asked, studying her face. Her fair skin was paler than usual. Dark circles hung under her eyes, and there was an air of frailty about her. School had been hectic this week, and I couldn't remember the last time she'd gotten blood. "It's been like...more than two days, hasn't it? Three? Why didn't you say anything?"

She shrugged and wouldn't meet my eyes. "You were busy. I didn't want to—" I stopped her. "Screw that," I said, feeling somewhat guilty. No wonder she seemed so weak. Ophelia, not wanting me any closer, leapt down and returned to the window, where she could watch at a safe distance. "Come on. Let's do this." I said as I pulled out a refrigerator out from under the bed. "Evie—" She began but I didn't let her finish. "Come on. It'll make you feel better. Plus, we don't wanna let my handiwork go to waste..." I said as I pulled out the blood bag I had stolen from the hospital I volunteered at. It was from yesterday so it shouldn't be stale... hopefully.

I watched her hesitate, but the sight of the bag and what it offered proved too powerful. A hungry expression crossed her face, and her lips parted slightly, exposing the fangs she normally kept hidden while living among humans. Those fangs contrasted oddly with the rest of her delicate features. With her pretty face and pale blond hair, she looked more like an angel than a vampire. She took the bag and walked to the bathroom, not wanting to make a big mess. I had barely closed the fridge and put it back under the bed when she came back. It had taken less than a minute. "You okay?" I asked. She smiled. "I just need to sleep it off. I'm fine. You've no need to get all worried about me." She said as I raised an eyebrow, sitting on the bed and watching her as she laid down. "How'd you find me out?" I asked sarcastically as she laughed a little. "Accent." I frowned as she closed her chocolate brown eyes. "That's not nice." I retorted. Yeah, I had a slight accent, one I didn't like to let slip, but had just done so. Eden liked to tease me about it, and her doing so put me at ease. It must mean that she felt a little better now.

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