Chapter 18

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I slept for days when I got back to my room. Not really actually but it felt like it. When I woke up, the next 'day' I felt a lot more awake. Awake enough to realize I was late. Again. As usual, I got up and brushed my teeth simultaneously with my hair and then threw on my new thermals with some pants. Because today was a Sunday, I had no classes. But practices filled my day because of my promise of putting in extra time to learn how to fight. For real. Grabbing 3 hair-ties and hoping none of them were loose, I ran across the quad towards the gym where Vegas was waiting, listening to music I'd introduced him to. "Before you say anything... I was super tired from yesterday... and-" I leaned over, grabbing my calves, shaking my head as my ponytail fell forward and obscured my view of my surroundings. "I can't even feel my legs," I said between pants.

Looking back up when I had regained my breath, I saw Vegas smiling. "Maybe presents will cheer you up." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "Is it my birthday?" I asked as he pointed to the area beside me. I sat down wordlessly and straightened up at the sight of a plastic bag bulged with multiple boxes. "All for me?" I asked as he reached inside and pulled one out, handing me a small box with a piece of paper stuck to its side.

"This is from Prince Aleksandar and Princess Natasha." He began, Surprised that either Natasha or Aleksandar Dashkov would have given me anything, I read the note. It was just a few lines, hastily scrawled in pen.

Evangelista Winchester—

I'm very happy to see you become a wonderful guardian. Truly, you seem to be a lot better than the ones I have now. You lead a charmed life, and both Natasha and Vasilisa are lucky to have you as friends.

"That's nice of them," I said, opening the box. Then I saw what was inside. "Whoa. Very nice." It was the golden bracelet, the one Eden had wanted to get me but couldn't afford. I held it up, looping its chain over my hand so I could read the heart charm. But there wasn't anything to read. Just a chest. My chest. "The Dragomir chest?" I asked as I flipped it over. "And the Tarus chest? What?" I asked as Vegas shrugged. "Maybe he knows about the whole Dhampir/Moroi mix thing?" He asked as I shook my head. "Kirova promised...?" I sighed. Whatever. As long as the lady knew what she was doing. "I mean, this is pretty extreme for a "thanks - for - being - friends - with - my - daughter" present," I noted, recalling the price. "He actually bought it in honor of you doing so well on your first day as an official guardian. He saw you and Eden looking at it." I scoffed. "Wow." It was all I could say. "I don't think I did that good of a job," I said as Vegas pulled my hair back, kissing my cheek. "I do."

Grinning, I placed the necklace back in the box and set it in front of me. "You did say 'presents,' right? Like more than one?" I asked. He laughed outright. "Yes. Okay. This is from me." He handed me a small, plain bag. Puzzled and excited, I opened it up. Inside was a box, in which laid a simple silver necklace with little stars and crescent moons hanging down from it. "How'd you manage to buy this? I saw you the whole time at the mall." I asked as I turned it over, still surprised he'd managed to surprise me with this. He took it from me and asked me to turn. Obliging, I did so, holding my hair up so he could fasten the necklace on. The moment it touched me, suddenly everything looked clearer and I swore it felt as if my ears popped. "Don't worry. I had this charmed." I looked at him. "Charmed?" I asked, waiting for him to explain. "Agility charm. And anti-spirit. Perfect for you." I smiled and was about to thank him when he held up a hand. He handed me another bag. "I feel bad. I didn't get you anything." I protested as I opened the new box, surprised to see lip gloss, Green Apple flavored, my all time favorite type. The one I used to complain about running out of. I didn't think he listened though. "Vegas, how the hell did you get all this stuff?" He simply shrugged. "Guardian secrets." He said with a smirk. "What's all this for? For my first day?" I asked as I looked up at him. "Yeah..." he began. "But also because we've been together so long now and I... thought it would make you happy." Without even thinking about it, I leaned forward and kissed him, hugging him when we broke apart. "Thank you." Judging from his stiff posture, I'd clearly caught him by surprise. But he relaxed a few moments later, and reached around and rested his hands on my back.

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