Chapter 6

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"Hey, Kirova—er, Ms. Kirova." I corrected myself, hoping she didn't hear. She looked up from what she was writing at to look up at me. I stood straight from where I was previously leaning in the doorway of her office and smiled a polite smile. Not that it would make her feel better. Actually, I felt pride in the fact that the moment she saw me, she fought to suppress a groan. Obviously, I hadn't bothered to make an appointment, and she knew dealing with me always had disastrous outcomes. Pushing her paperwork, she took a deep breath before talking. "Yes, Miss Winchester?" She asked through clenched teeth. "Does my house arrest mean I can't go to church?" I asked as innocently as I could manage. Raising her eyebrows, she let out a tight laugh. "I beg your pardon?" She asked, as surprised from my question as I thought she'd be. "You said that whenever I'm not in class or practice, I have to stay in my dorm. But what about church on Sundays?" She was just about to deny my requests when I put on a sad looking face. "I don't think it's really fair to keep me away from my, needs." I supplied as she racked her brain for a reason to oppose mine.

When she didn't find one, she used another tactic. Questioning. "I wasn't aware you had any religious needs." She began as I shrugged. "I found Jesus while I was gone." I said as she held in a slight chuckle. "I've moved on to my own path. You shouldn't keep me from it." I said, trying to sound downfallen at her questions. She made a noise that sort of sounded like a snicker. "No, Miss Winchester, I should not. Very well. You may attend services on Sundays." She said simply. The victory was short-lived, however, because church was every bit as lame as I remembered when I attended a few days later. I did get to sit next to Eden, though, which made me feel like I was getting away with something. Mostly I just people-watched. Church was optional for students, but with so many Eastern European families, a lot of students were Eastern Orthodox Christians and attended either because they believed or because their parents made them.

Glancing around I saw Jasper has sat on the opposite side of the aisle along with his friends. They seemed like a nice bunch, nowhere near as mean as the royal power players. I suppose this ended my background checking of Jasper. I know Eden wasn't even sure if she liked him or not but I really hoped she stayed on this track. Glancing around again, I noticed Vegas sat in the back and, like me, didn't take communion. As thoughtful as he looked, I wondered if he was even listening to the service. I personally tuned in and out, hearing snatches of St. Vladimir, this school's own patron saint, and shadow-kissed Anna, his companion who was bonded to him.

Soon church concluded, and as Eden turned to go, I shook my head at her. "Wait for me. I'll be right there. I've got something I wanna check something out." I said to her as I pushed my way through the crowd, up to the front, where the priest was speaking with a few people. I waited impatiently while he finished. When he finished and turned to me, I was surprised to see the priest raise his eyebrows when he saw me. "Hello, Evangelista. It's nice to see you again." He said as I nodded. " too," I answered by default. He was about to ask me something more, but I cut him off. I was kinda on a time limit here. "Do you by any chance know what would happen if a human had a child with a Moroi?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy. "It used to be common. The way the first Dhampirs were created." He said simply.

I nodded, pretending to seem mildly curious instead of crazy for answers. Which is what I felt as of now. "I mean, a human male and a royal Moroi woman." I asked, narrowing down what I was looking for, speaking as quietly as I could. The priest smiled. "Oh. I've heard about your little conundrum." He nodded, smiling. What the hell? I thought that was supposed to be top secret? "Oh. Don't you worry. This is between your uncle, Ellen and I." I sighed in relief. He'd obviously seen my change in expression and thought to clarify. "To answer your question, I would assume a full human. Not what you've turned out to be. I've never seen anyone with your calamity." He said as I nodded, cringing every time he used an old timey word. He looked as if he were going to give me some priestly advice when his eyes widened. "Give me a minute. I believe I may posses that may be of wonderful help to you." He said as he disappeared through the door near the altar, the one Eden had taken to the attic. I considered fleeing for a quick second but thought God might strike me down for that. Less than a minute later, the priest returned with a book. He handed it to me. Creation of Moroi and Dhampirs. "You can learn more about you in here." He began. He was about to leave when, again, he turned and kept talking to me. "This is an interesting topic, Evangelista. The next time I see you, I'd like to hear what you've learned." He said as I nodded, scowling as I walked away. Great. Homework from the priest. As if I didn't have a whole crapload of other things to do already.

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