Brother or Lover?

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~February 20th~

"Hoseok, baby boy, what's wrong?" My mother asks with feigned concern in her eyes. I shrug as an attempt to answer her. Since my 16th birthday, I've realized that I am nothing but a trophy son to these people who claim to be my parents. I am now 18, the truth is, I'm a wolf-hybrid they picked up one day by chance. For years I truly thought I was their son until I realized I looked different as in I have dog-like ears and a tail. I asked them one day why I looked different. They told me a story about how they found me abandoned on the streets. Mother had a miscarriage and felt I was perfect to fill the void.

My parents are rich and successful I've always been able to get anything I wanted as long as I was a good boy, but the one thing I've always wanted was a friend. I've never been allowed to play with other children not even from other rich families. I never understood why but I never complained because I didn't want to be seen as a bad boy. The last few years I've been depressed. Recently its been so bad that I've been slipping from realities grasp. It's as if I'm on autopilot and my parents are starting to finally see this. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen in the future. I don't know what it could be or if it's just my mental state speaking.

"I feel empty and alone..." I finally mumble out as she gets up to leave. She hesitates a moment before continuing out the door of my room. Sighing I walk over to lay on my bed hoping sleep will take me somewhere better.

~One Week Later~

"Hoseok, are you done with your studies for the day?" My father asks as I pass by the living room.

"Yes, sir," I say bowing after walking into the room to address him fully.

"Good, your mother and I have a surprise waiting for you in your room. We'll go up there together in just a moment. Your mother is getting it ready."

"Thank you, sir." is my conditioned reply. We wait together in silence for about 20 minutes and I start to become impatient. What the hell could this surprise be? Finally, after waiting approximately 45 minutes, my mother calls down to us and we head up to my room.

Mother is waiting in front of the doors to my room with them closed. I looked at her expectantly as she smiles at us. Slowly she opens the doors and I walk in. There, on my bed, is what appears to be another wolf-hybrid maybe a year or two younger than me. She has him dressed in cute light blue and pink clothes that hug his body perfectly. His cheeks are plump and squishy looking, my immediate thought is 'he's adorable'. I look at my parents with confusion written all over my face.

"This is your new little brother. His name is Jimin, go ahead and talk to him." Mom then turns to my father before finishing her explanation. "We know there are plenty of rooms for him to stay in but we decided it would be great for you two to stay in your room together. We'll bring in a bed for him in a little bit, for now just go ahead and get to know each other." They both walk off satisfied with themselves.

"Hello... Hyung?" he stands slowly making his way towards me. He looks more like a scared bunny than a wolf at the moment and I break composure. I quickly wrap my arms around his head pinning him to my chest as I squeal at how cute he is.

"You're too cute!"

"Ahhh, Hyung! Please, let me go. You're suffocating me." laughing I let him go. We sit down on my bed and we talk about random things. I asked him about where he came from and how old he was. He told me that he was walking down the street, he was a stray, then my parents pulled up next to him and asked him if he could read and write. After saying that in fact he could and proved it to them they told him he could live with them. He told me that he's only 17 years old and that he had a home before but his owner passed away and he didn't want to end up in the pound so he ran away, becoming a stray and living on the streets for almost 2 years. After hearing this it made sense why it took my mother so long to make him presentable. He must have been filthy and hungry.

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