To mate or not to mate?

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~3 months later~

"Hyung?" I hear Jimin moan out in pain when I flip over on the bed. I quickly sit up and turn on the light to see.

"Jimin, what's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. My stomach is hurting and I feel like I'm starting to have a fever. Will you go get Jin-hyung?"

"Of course!" I quickly get up and head towards the door.



"I think I know whats wrong with me but until I know for sure... please don't come back in here."


"Please, Hyung. Just until I know."

"As you wish, I love you," I say a bit hurt but I'll do anything for Jimin even if it's leaving him alone in a time of need.

"I love you, too"

I smash through Jin and Namjoon's bedroom door so fast that I almost trip on the area rug that's positioned just passed the door. "Jin-hyung! Somethings wrong with Jimin, he asked me to come get you, please go to him," I manage to spit out so fast that Jin and Namjoon barely manage to catch what I've said. Once they register my panic they both fly out of bed as fast as possible. Jin runs down the hall to our room while Namjoon stays with me as I slowly make my way to the main stairwell and sit down.

"Why are you not going back to the room?" Namjoon finally speaks up after taking a seat next to me.

"Jimin asked me not to until he knows what is wrong." We sit silently after that until Jin walks up with Yoongi in tow.

"Why do I have to go?" Yoongi asks Jin clearly upset with the fact that he was awoken by the elder.

"Because I need to stay here with Jimin. Take Kookie with you and make it fast."

"Ugh, fine. Kookie I know your standing behind the door, let's go." Jungkook slowly makes his way out as requested. I watch as the two leave through the front door and I look to Jin.

"Don't worry, Hoseok, if the situation is as we think it is then everything will be alright." he quickly goes back to my room before I can ask anything. I look to Namjoon who just shrugs his shoulder and we go back to silence.

~Jungkook's P.O.V.~

We pull up at Dr. Lee Jooheon's office just after six in the morning. We walk in and he greets us happily. "Hello, Jungkook and Yoongi. What brings you two here so early in the morning? You don't have an appointment with me until next month. Are you not feeling well." he's a doctor that specializes in hybrids.

"We're not here for me," I answer and he looks at us confused.

"We need you to come with us to the Kim residence. We have a wolf-hybrid that seems to be sick," Yoongi says firmly. Dr. Lee Jooheon just stares at us for a moment not budging. He then turns around and goes through some files.

"Is either of these pictures my patient?" he hands us pictures of Hoseok and Jimin and my eyes widen in fear. "I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry I'm not going to turn you in. I'm happy those two aren't with those people anymore. They're much better off with you guys." I love how kindhearted and understanding he is. He looks scary and cold but really he's the biggest softy I've ever met.

"You had both of them as your patients before?" I ask curiously. Hoseok makes sense but I'm not sure about Jimin.

"Yes, in fact, I had Jimin as a patent when he was still Park Jimin. It was just before I transferred and was still working for the lower classes. Let me grab a few things and I'll go with you." He gets up and starts gathering a few things into a bag. I watch in wonderment as to what it is he's grabbing but never voice it. Once he has everything gathered we head back home.

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