The Scream

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2 - The person who screamed (who shall not be named as of yet) p.o.v.

I scream. I don't know what else to do. It's chasing me. This monster, this faceless beast. It's skinny little arms, connected to large claws are raised out in front of it, trying to grab at my shirt. The monster's gnashing, bloody teeth are hot on my heels, and I just run and run, until I feel as though I will collapse. I skid behind a corner of a building covered in grey slime and drifting snow, hoping that it can't find me here.

I am puffing for breath, and I don't know where I am. I somehow ended up in this never-ending nightmare, filled with monsters and darkness. I am on the brink of madness. It seems as though this world is just dark, and... well... blue. Suddenly everything is quiet, all I can hear is my ragged breath. Then out of nowhere, I scream. 'Someone else is here,' I think. Someone has found me!

3 - Will p.o.v.

"And then I heard a scream." I finish the recount of my experience.

"What kind of scream?" Asks Lucas.

"Was it a girl or a boy?" Asks Mike.

"Do we know them?" Asks Max.

"Had you heard their voice before?" That is Dustin.

"I'm... I'm not sure. It sounded totally unfamiliar. It was almost..." I fade off.

"Almost... what?" Says Mike carefully.

"...Petrifying. It was petrifying." I say.

"I know." I hear a wavering, small, but remarkably fearless voice behind me. Eleven. Of course, Eleven would know. Why didn't I ask her? Mike runs up to her and gives her a warm, loving hug. His hand slide down her back and pull her closer. "You're amazing, Elle." He says.

"Yeah, yeah, that's all great and happy, lovebirds, but incase you didn't notice, we have a way of identifying the scream." Says Lucas smugly. Mike gives him the finger, but mutters in excited agreement.

"So Eleven, what are you going to do?" I ask. She looks around at each of us, taking us all in. She gestures for us to come in close. "What is it?" Asks Dustin. "Why are we huddling?" Elle ignores him. "I can contact upside down. Need bath, salt. Like I had when found Will." She says simply.

"Ah! Yes, easy! Will, we're gonna find this mysterious scream!" Yells Dustin.

"Okay, we'll do this, but only on one condition." Says Mike. "We get a parent or older brother or sister involved." He admits sternly.

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