In the Upside Down

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"Okay, that's the last bag of salt. That should do it, Elle." Says Mike calmly. "Are you sure you can do this?" He asks, nervously making sure.

"Yes." She replies.

I look around the gymnasium at the dark shiny court, the massive blue peeling walls, at Elle cautiously stepping into the sensory deprivation tank, and at my mother, who smiles encouragingly at me. I take a deep breath and pray for Elle, that she doesn't hurt herself.

Suddenly, everything goes black. I don't know what to do, and I can feel myself hyperventilating. I can't breathe, and I feel as though I am drowning in an endless pool of despair. "Help!" I cry. That single word is the last thing my conscious self hears.

4 - Joyce p.o.v.

All I can hear is my baby's cry for help. I don't know what happened, maybe he received one of his "visions". I am scared. I look at Mike telling Elle not to worry, and gently pushing her down in the tank. I am worried. Dustin and Lucas are looking at me, and Max is staring at Will. Out of the blue, Eleven sits up in the tank. "He's here." She says darkly, pointing to her head. "He's in the upside down." She then collapses back into the tank, and drifts back off into unconsciousness.

The tension filling the air turned to horror, and we all tried in desperation to wake Will from his nightmare slumber. Nothing worked.

5 - Will p.o.v.

It happened again. The flash of light. The forever darkness. The blue, the black. The slime, the rumbling. The scream. I see a small shape on the horizon, standing still. I don't remember much before the vision. What happened?... THE SENSORY DEPRIVATION TANK. It's Eleven! I run towards the horizon, ignoring the sticky stuff that clings to my feet and slows me down. I'm so happy to see her, to see someone else in this world of darkness and nightmares. She's only 10 metres away. So close. I can see the surprised look on her face. She flickers. Then she is gone. "No!" I scream. "No, no, no, no, no. Why did you do that? WHY!!??" I am overcome with mounds of despair. I'll never escape this place, ever again. Who am I kidding?

TIME SKIP (A few minutes later) >>>

I lie on the floor where Eleven stood. It's sticky, and black. Snow drifts past my nose. I bat it away angrily with my hand. It is quiet, and the only noise is the wander of the icy snowflakes. Then, I see a flicker. A few metres away, a ball of light is growing. I can make out a figure, bright white, lighting up this place of darkness. The light fades, and in its place stands Eleven. She is back. 

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