makeup bag😈😈

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and so he came towards me....

chim:lets go to the rest room.......and hey do you have some makeup with you we will need it.

me:ah yes...why

he didnt answer but dragged me into the restroom

chim:give me your makeup....

i gave him my  makeup bag  and i still dont know why he needs the makeup....he tooke out my red lipstick and some dark eye shandow??wut is this guy doing??

chim:give me your neck......i mean looke up.....

ahhh  a hikey....hahah hees a genius

he tooke the red lipstick and put it on hees finger and just like that he started to create a hikey with my lipstick and eyeshadow

chim:all done!

he looked satisfied with hees work

me:ohh damn that lookes real.....

chim:ikr lets go now!

we came back and they were still there waiting and talking

yoongi looked in my face and then he noticed the "hikey"

he looked so scary to be honest god damn.....

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