"awwww so sad"

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he looked so pissed off god damn

but thats what i wanted😈
yoongi:jimin.can i talk to you for a bit?

he said that just like hee was about to kill someone



they left and i was now there with tha hoe ass

hoe: Hey ehm why did you get so mad when i called my baby boo?

me:first off all are you five why do you say baby boo second off all dont talk to me 3rd off all thats none of your bussines.

hoe:why are you so rude......you need some skin care..

me:well bitch you need a life..........plastic surgery hoe ass

the boys camr back and jimin smkirked?

what did they talk about?

hoe:baby boo this girl is really rude to me.

yoongi looked at me but didnt say anything just keeps staring at my neck/the "hikey"

me:well sorry baby boo.i said with sarcasm

me:awww so sad that your baby boo doesnt defend you.

thats true its sad

now yoongi looked at me with sad eyes and said

yoongi:scarlet can i talk to you?

hoe:yes baby boo.she looked at me with a smirk.

me:can you stop calling him that!

hoe:why.do you like my baby boo.

bitch hees mine all from the start!

me:bitch lets go have a talk..

hoe:ehm.....haha..naah.im going to talk ro my baby boo.

me:he can wait.

haha yoongi lookes so curiouse.

we were in front of the rest room now


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