What Comes Next?

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(AN - Hey-o! I wasn't originally planning for this to be multiple parts, but, uhhh...here we are. It was supposed to be a quick one shot I wrote at 1 AM and never looked at again, but I realized, with the way I left it off, it was wide open for more! Hope some of you see this lol, it's been like a year. Also umm Hamilton reference anyone?)

     Abeno had known for a while how he felt about Ashiya, and was no longer denying it. At least...not to himself. He would still deny it to anyone who even hinted that they knew how he felt.
      And that was what brought him to where he was now. Fushimi, Ashiya's friend—no, he supposed he was his, as well—was currently grilling him. Saga was helping neither Abeno nor Fushimi, instead opting to relax in the seat next to Fushimi, who was sat in front of Abeno. Fushimi had taken the chance to jump on him when Ashiya said he was going to buy lunch for himself and Abeno.
     "So...you spend a lot of time with Ashiya outside of class, Abeno," Fushimi suggested, raising one eyebrow.
     "I suppose. We simply share similar schedules."
     "Hmm, could be, could be. Or, you could just enjoy spending time with him!" Fushimi countered.
     "Well, yes, but that's normal of friends, isn't it?" Abeno answered, hoping he wasn't flustered, as that was a dead giveaway.
     "Why, yes, Abeno, it is! So why were you so reluctant to admit that in the first place? Unless you were trying to cover up how much you care for his company!" Fushimi yelled, looking supremely smug. Abeno noted Saga's muffled laugh in the background, wondering where he stood.
     This had been going on for the last ten minutes, and Abeno was starting to worry if Ashiya would ever get back. He couldn't take much more of this. Fushimi was unbearably loud, and soon the entire school would be made aware of Abeno's 'problem.'
"Fushimi, tell me honestly. Do I seem like the type to willingly gush about how much I care for my friends?"
"I suppose not, Abeno," answered Fushimi, but he didn't seem deterred in the slightest. In fact, his voice took on an even more suggestive tone.
"Look, we both know what you've been hinting at for the past ten minutes, Fushimi, and I think it's time you stopped speaking in half-accusations and suggestive tones," Abeno snapped, at his wits end.
"Yeah, okay, Abeno, can do! Honestly, I'm of the opinion that you are completely, one hundred percent smitten with Ashiya~! I actually debated on which one of you to confront, as you're both painfully obvious! You guys have been on my gay radar—my 'gaydar,' if you will—for a while~! Is that clear enough, Abeno buddy?" Fushimi finished his speech with a dramatic arm-sweep, winking at Abeno.
"Hey, guys, what's going on? The line was super lo—Abeno, are you okay?" Ashiya started as he ran through the classroom door, arms full of food. "Your face is red! Let me feel it! Do you have a fever? Oh no, oh no! One sec, Abeno, I just need to..."
As Ashiya trailed off, he dropped all of the food onto Fushimi's desk, quickly coming into Abeno's space to take his temperature.
"Hey, five-year-old! I'm fine, idiot, stop—!" Abeno tried to defend himself, but it was useless. Nothing could stop Ashiya when he was worried. Abeno supposed, though, that that was one reason he thought so highly of him. He was so determined and caring and—
"—beno? Abeno?"
Ashiya. Abeno came to, realizing he had spaced out somewhere between Ashiya putting his hand on his head and now.
"Are you sure you're okay, Abeno? This isn't like you..." Ashiya looked at him, his brow creasing in worry and concentration, his eyes moving across Abeno's face and making it warm.
"I'm fine, idiot," Abeno said, but even to his own ears it sounded fond. He quickly looked at Fushimi, who was smirking behind Ashiya. Abeno glanced away, knowing there was no point in denying it anymore, not to Fushimi anyway.
He wanted to take a nap.

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