Abeno Gets Down To Business (not to defeat the huns)

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(AN - Hey-o friend-o! This chapter was originally supposed to be longer...ha....😅But, life gets in the way sometimes, lol. Since I've been busy lately, have this part now, and I'll try to get the actually Game Night chapter out as quickly as possible! Thanks to anyone sticking with this, it means a lot❤️)
The day was finally over, but Abeno had grown increasingly anxious about bringing Ashiya to the Underworld. Abeno knew that he would use his influence again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Ashiya safe...and he knew how it would look if the Master of the Mononokean used his influence not once, but twice, against a demon to protect a human. He supposed that just went to show how much Ashiya had changed him. Not only was he willing to protect a particular human, Abeno was also more willing to give humans a chance.
Abeno was broken from his thoughts by Ashiya.
"Abeno, are you ready to go?" Ashiya asked, looking nervous. However, there was a tinge of excitement in his eyes, like he was ready to go and meet another 'Goro Express.'
"Sure—" Abeno began, being interrupted by a shout.
"Ashiyaaa! Abenooo! Let's go to the convenience store!" Fushimi exclaimed, walking over with Saga trailing behind.
Ashiya came to the rescue, telling them "Oh, ha ha, I'm so sorry you guys, but me and Abeno already have plans..."
Abeno mentally face palmed. There is no way Fushimi wouldn't misconstrue that.
"Really, just like yesterday?" Fushimi asked, looking suspiciously between the two of them. Even Saga let out a questioning 'Hmm.'
"Um, yeah, we just..." Ashiya started, obviously pulling a blank for an excuse.
"I'm helping him study again," Abeno took over, hoping he could play off Ashiya's nervousness as him being embarrassed.
Fushimi looked between them, taking in Ashiya's vigorous nodding, and finally let out an unconvinced "Okay..."
"Anyways, we'll see you tomorrow, Fusshi!" Ashiya called as he grabbed Abeno and hightailed it out of the classroom.
     "You know, you could have just told him we worked together," Abeno said with a teasing lilt as Ashiya dragged him into another corridor.
     "Look, you know I'm not good with saying the right thing under pressure!" Ashiya snarked back.
     "Well, that's not entirely true..."
     Ashiya made a questioning noise in response, and Abeno realized his sudden change of heart must have appeared odd. He had just wanted to point out that Ashiya actually did quite well saying the right thing on the job. Oops.
     "Ah, nothing. You just have a way of knowing what to say to our clients," Abeno finally said, slightly stilted.
     Ashiya was suddenly right in front of Abeno, beaming at him.
     "Abenooo!" Ashiya exclaimed, grabbing Abeno's hands between his. "You do appreciate me!"
     "Yeah, yeah," Abeno replied with a false calm. He could feel his face heating up and his hands starting to shake. This wasn't like him, and he didn't want Ashiya to notice. "Let's get going. The Legislator is waiting."
     Luckily for Abeno, the trip to the Underworld in the Mononokean went without a hitch. Unlike certain individuals, the Mononokean didn't blatantly tease Abeno in front of Ashiya. The Mononokean really was a true ally.
However, this momentary peace was broken when they arrived at the Legislator's place. As they walked up the road to the entrance, the doors opened and Shizuku dashed towards them, blue pigtails bouncing. The Legislator and Koura slowly trailed after her.
"Hah? Why are you here?" Abeno blurted out, much to the Legislator's amusement.
"Why, I live here, Abeno! Surely, you didn't forget?" the Legislator responded with a sweep of his arms, gesturing to the building behind him.
"Oh, leave him be, Rippou. We're here for a game night!" Koura chimed in.
No one said anything as they walked up the drive. Abeno hung back, waiting for the Legislator.
"What the hell are you up to?" Abeno whispered as the Legislator kept pace next to him. "I wouldn't have brought Ashiya if I hadn't thought it was important."
"Abeno, this is important—to me. Possibly to you. Maybe to Ashiya," the Legislator began. "I was tired of the Executive thinking he had won. When Ashiya didn't return, even after he was allowed, it made quite the statement. I simply wanted to show him that he can't scare my people into submission."
Abeno watched as the Legislator's usual carefree mask slipped away, and his expression darkened.
"Of course, we also missed you two!" the Legislator said, breaking the serious aura.
"The Justice is here right? Since those were the terms?"
"Yes, yes! Don't worry, Abeno, I won't let anything happen to your precious Ashiya," he said, giving Abeno a sly look that reminded him of...Fushimi....
The Legislator walked away, chuckling under his breath, as Abeno stared after him with a dumb struck look. Of course he knew. Koura probably knew. Maybe even Shizuku. This was just his luck.
"Abeno!" Ashiya called back, standing on the porch with the Justice. "Are you coming?"
"Yeah, hold your horses," Abeno said.
He picked up his pace, and eventually everyone made it inside.
They were sat around a circular table with six places set. Each place had a name tag on it, which were quickly examined by the group.
Everyone seemed pleased by the order, which went: the Justice, Ashiya, Abeno, Koura, Shizuku, and the Legisator.
As they took their seats, Abeno leaned over to Ashiya.
"I'm sorry I brought you here. I really thought it was something important," Abeno apologized. He felt guilty for bringing Ashiya somewhere he was uncomfortable when there was really no need.
"It's okay, Abeno! I'm sure you didn't know what the plans where, but that doesn't matter. I trust you to keep me safe—and the others, of course!" Ashiya let out a flustered laugh, making Abeno's stomach flip. "So, I'll be fine! We can just have a fun night with friends."
"Excuse me! If the husband and wife down there could please listen, I'm trying to explain the first game," the Legislator broke in, cutting off Abeno's reply.
Abeno would admit that was probably for the best. The word choice, however....
"Hah? Who are you calling husband and wife?" Abeno shouted, clearly flustered.
The Legislator ignored him, instead starting the explanation.
     "The first game we're going to be playing is 'Who Am I?' We'll each break up into teams of two—of my choosing," here, he shot a look at Abeno and Ashiya, "and one member will place a card with one of our names on their head. They will ask their partner questions in order to find out who they are. However! There will be no questions on physical appearance allowed, as that would be far to easy and absolutely no fun! Now, we will be doing this one group at a time, so that we can watch each other and poke fun! Any questions?"
     Everyone stared blankly at him.
     "Well, then let's move on to groups," the Legislator said, clapping his hands. "First group—me and Justice! Second—Koura and Shizuku!"at this, Shizuku let out a happy squeal, "And last—but certainly not least—Abeno and Ashiya! Who wants to go first?"
Abeno did not.

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