What Does That Flower Mean?

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(AN - Hey hey, what's crack-a-lackin'? I'm seriously trying to stay motivated and keep up updates; this is my first fic, so I gotta work on pacing and plot and the like! I am not Japanese, so if I make any mistakes with this cliche school festival plot, let me know! Just a note, this is kind of a different version of the time line? It's definitely pre-chapter 48-ish, since that's when they start talking about the cultural festival in canon. I also don't want to include anything about Ashiya's dad, since that arc is not completed yet, and I don't want to delve into that in my story! Everything else is canon tho.
Flower Meaning - carnations mean "fascination" or "new love," So it was basically her rushed way of being nosy about Ashiya's feelings for Abeno)

     Abeno was on edge.
     He could tell, just sense, that Fushimi was up to something. He hadn't cornered Abeno since that day, but that didn't do anything to ease Abeno's nerves. Every time Abeno talked to Ashiya in Fushimi's presence, he would smirk. Every time Abeno dazed off in Fushimi's presence, he would smirk. Every time Abeno did anything that could possibly be traced back to Ashiya in Fushimi's presence, he smirked.
     Abeno already had a difficult time trying to manage his feelings around Ashiya. He didn't need someone in the background mocking him. This was all made worse by the impending school culture festival. All of the students were supposed to pitch an idea, and Abeno felt it wasn't going to end well for him.
     Abeno was pulled from his worries by Ashiya turning around in his seat to talk to him.
     "Hey, Abeno, you should come to my place after school! We can come up with ideas for the festival together, and you can also, possibly, help me study for that upcoming math test? I-I mean, you totally don't have to if you don't want any to, and you might be busy being the big boss Mononokean guy, and all, but I just thought, since we were supposed to be off work, it might be okay—"
     "Shut up, idiot, of course I'll go..." Abeno half-heartedly interrupted. He realized a second too late that he shouldn't have added the 'of course,' but he was caught off guard by Ashiya's flustered monologue. He didn't mind Ashiya's ramblings, finding it frustratingly endearing when he would get flustered. Ashiya would always gesticulate wildly and get this panicked look on his face, a slight redness tinging his cheeks, his eyes wide and bright.
    Thankfully, Ashiya thought nothing of the fonder-than-usual reply from Abeno, as he simply responded with a relieved "That's great!" and went back to his school work.
     Fushimi made sure to catch Abeno's eye as he glanced around the classroom, flustered from the exchange with Ashiya. He gave Abeno a wink, pointing at Ashiya's back and making a finger heart. Abeno shot him a half-hearted glare that hardly had enough heat in it to reheat the lukewarm coffee he had in a thermos next to him.
Abeno had started trying to drink coffee while in school in an attempt to stay awake. He obviously had no motives that might have to do with Ashiya maybe, sort of, kind of, hinting that it would make him happy if Abeno tried to be more engaged at school. No, it was obviously his desire to do better in his studies. Though, he was rewarded throughout the day with Ashiya sneaking glances at him, trying to hide a pleasantly surprised smile when he found Abeno awake, and even starting conversations with him like just now.
The day ended both much too quickly and at a snail's pace. Abeno was excited about finally going to Ashiya's home, but he was also uncharacteristically nervous. Would they sit in the living room? Would Ashiya's mom be with them? Would they go to Ashiya's room? Would it be just the two of them? Would Abeno be able to avoid an awkward silence? He wasn't the best conversationalist, after all. Though, he supposed Ashiya was a big enough blabber mouth for the both of them.
They made their way outside the school, but, to Abeno's horror, they ran into Fushimi and Saga as they were heading out the gate.
"Yo, Abeno, Ashiya! Where are you two headed~? Together?" Fushimi whispered the last part to Abeno with a not-so-subtle eyebrow lift. Abeno opted not to respond.
"Oh, Fusshi, Saga! We were just on our way to my place to talk about the festival. Um, you could come, too, if you'd like..." Ashiya replied to Fushimi, seeming oddly reluctant to add the last part.
"No, no, Ashiya, you and Abeno have fun~! I have plans."
Ashiya—relieved?—bid Fushimi goodbye. They continued down the sidewalk, Ashiya appearing nervous. Eventually, he was more like himself again, and quickly began talking.
"So, what are you thinking for the festival? All I know are the cliches in manga, heh," Ashiya began, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Like, maybe we could do a cafe, or, I don't know, a haunted house, since it's October!"
"Hmm, maybe..." Abeno replied noncommittally. "I think a shop of some kind could be interesting."
"Yeah, that's a great idea, Abeno! We could sell something cool, or maybe even something the students could personalize in some way! Hmm, what could it be, though..."
Abeno could feel a flush rising in his cheeks at the compliment, though he knew it was not an extraordinary idea.
     They continued to Ashiya's house, going from topic to topic, until eventually reaching their destination.
     Abeno had been aware that Ashiya's mother owned a flower shop, but he didn't  realize it was connected to their house. As they entered the shop, Mrs. Ashiya looked up, and quickly looked back down. Abeno was confused, until she rushed around the shelves and came up to them with a flower for each of them.
     Abeno was flattered, but Ashiya looked mortified. He looked between the flower and his mother, eventually settling his gaze right on his mother's face.
"Hello, hello! Welcome, Abeno, I've heard so much about you! And Ashiya—"
     "No!" He interrupted, embarrassed. "Mom, um, I'm sorry, but we really have to be going now!"
     He pulled Abeno away without a chance to grab the flower. Abeno just had enough time to toss a "Thanks for having me!" over his shoulder before Ashiya was dragging him off.
     "Calm down, you child! What kind of flower was that?" Abeno asked as they entered Ashiya's room. He glanced around while he waited for a response. Ashiya's room was cleaner than expected.
     "Ah, I'm so sorry! I overreacted....Um, it was a carnation? Heh..." Ashiya awkwardly responded, several seconds too late.
     "Hmm? And what does that flower mean?" Abeno prompted as he poked at a fluffy thing on Ashiya's desk.
     "W-What!? It-ah-it's nothing important! So, what about the festival? We still haven't figured that out, have we? That's really a top priority, since I doubt anyone else will come up with anything..." rambled Ashiya. Abeno could clearly tell he was trying to change the subject, but he decided to respect his boundaries and leave it.
     "Well, the whole flower situation downstairs actually gave me an idea..." Abeno began hesitatingly. He had never tried to be involved with an event like this, and he didn't want to sound stupid.
     "Really? That's great, Abeno! I knew you were super clever!" Ashiya cheered from the side, giving light applause.
     Abeno flushed, spitting out "Idiot, I haven't even told you my idea yet!"
     "Well, shoot! I don't judge," Ashiya reassured him with a giggle.
     "I was thinking we could sell bouquets. You seem to have a pretty solid grasp of the meanings, so we could let the customers make them personalized..." Abeno kept a straight face, but he lightly held his breath, waiting for a response.
     "Abeno, you're a genius!" Ashiya shouted, leaping at Abeno and engulfing him in a bear hug. "Woohoo, we've saved the festival!"
     Abeno froze. Ashiya was close—too close. He was warm and nice and Abeno could feel his face flushing, but he couldn't pull away. His mind told him to make distance before he slipped. Before Ashiya found out what he was hiding. But, his head was on Ashiya's shoulder; his thoughts were muddled. It seemed to go on for a long time, but maybe it was only seconds. Soon Abeno came to his senses, however, and pulled back jerkily. Ashiya looked somewhat frazzled; though, that was probably due to Abeno's abrupt action.
     The silence persisted for a few seconds, until Abeno decided it was too much.
     "Do you still need help on the math test, Ashiya?" Abeno asked, putting on a false calm.
     "Oh, yeah! You're a life saver, Abeno!"
     And, like that, it was back to normal.

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