Chapter 18 : Missing Piece

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Sowon POV

I open my eyes but I still can't see anything, it's like something is covering my eyesight. I also can't move my body, my hands, my legs, it's like something keep it still and binding me. 

What is happening?

Last time I remember, I'm going to the restroom and then suddenly everything when blank. Did I lose consciousness? And Where am I? 

Suddenly I heard someone talking, the voice looks like a man, middle-aged man I think. I think there's two, they talk to each other. Somehow I don't want to make a move, I'm afraid something going to happen if I make a move. 

'what we going to do with her?'

'Boss said we need to wait for the next order'

'don't you think this is a bit earlier than we plan?'

'I know but something happens and there's information that our plan is discovered so we need to move now'

'they know who she is?!'

'yeah and despite that, she's with them! I bet he already knows who she is and preparing to make a move so we need to move fast!'

She? Who she? Me?

Knowing who I am?

What is going on? What is happening?

Did I, been kidnapped?

'damn! If not for our boss, I already tease her hours ago! I'm horny'

'shut up! keep your thing inside your fucking pants!' 'And don't you dare do something to her or boss gonna kill you for sure!'

'Fine! I'll go find some chick to bang'

Then I heard a loud closed door. Somehow I feel relief, I still save. That scares me, I don't want they doing something to me. Especially to my body.

And Boss? Who are they talking about? What Boss?

(Meanwhile at YUMIDELI Burger)

Author POV

"Here's your burger guys," said SinB put all the boys' burgers in front of them "Enjoy" 

"Thanks, Noona!" said Taehyung excitedly. SinB smile then back to her work

Everyone digging their burgers except Namjoon. 

"What's wrong hyung, you not hungry?" ask Jimin

Namjoon look around "Isn't Sowon went to the restroom too long?" 

"Now you said it hyung," said Jimin "It's been almost an hour"

"I'll check on her..." as Jin said that, suddenly Jungkook get up from his chair and walk fast to the restroom without saying anything.

Jungkook went into Ladies restroom, thank God that no one inside. Jungkook checks every bathroom doors but it's empty. Jungkook feeling something isn't right.

Jungkook POV

Why I had a bad feeling about this. There's no way Sowon go back home on her own, there's no another way. 

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