#1 🌼

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It was the first day of school for young yamaguchi. just mom and him. his dad sadly had gotten into a car accident and didn't make it out, alive. to get away from the sadness, they felt, they had decided to pack up and move from japan to america for a new beginning

yamaguchi appeared at the bottom of the stairs dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a red t-shirt that had a dinosaur in the middle and he was wearing a black sweater to match it all. his small voice spoke up. "mommy why must i go, to school and live here, don't want to. i wanna go back home, and see daddy." // no comments about that daddy kink or i swear.//

his mother paused and inhaled a sharp breath crouching down to the boys height, looking him in the eyes, placing her hand on his shoulder before speaking. "Honey, i know you do, but this. this is better for us. we can start our new chapter in life, think of it as an adventure okay?" yamaguchi slowly nodded his head. "now go wash up for breakfast." she smiled as she moved her hand from his shoulder placing it on his cheek. she kissed his forehead and stood up. he went and did so.

the car ride to the school was terrible. yamaguchi was holding his small spider-man backpack, not to mention he was a sobbing mess.

"yama, you really need to stop that. i know it's hard, and it's new and scary, but you're gonna love it here. i promise." he looked at her with untrusting eyes. "i don't want to go," he wailed. "i'm scared i want daddy." and then the car went silent. his mom pulled up at the school a few minutes later.

"come on let's go get some stuff done for you." she plastered on her fake smile.

they walked up the school. to yamaguchi it felt dangerous. he felt threatened. at that moment he wanted to run the other way. to let go of him moms hand and run away back to the car, he'd talk him mom into letting them move back to japan were he felt safe, but he knew his mom wouldn't. his mom didn't wanna be sad anymore. so he decided to stay strong, for her.

the front doors were huge. they walked in and got him all signed up. the principle mr. cugnet, and the vice principal mrs. sweeting. showed him around the school to every room he would possible use within his years of staying in the school.

after that they showed him around the school his mom wished him luck on his first day of school. they'd showed yamaguchi to his classroom. he was in mr. either's first grade class. everyone gave him a warm welcome and they got him seated and working.

at recess all the kids wanted to play with him, all the kids let him play with them he felt like everyone was fighting over him, the same went for at lunch. he was kinda scared of all the social interaction and stuff, but it also felt nice. he didn't feel so alone.

after school his mom was waiting at the front door of the school. "so how was it?!" she asked excitedly when she saw him come out of the school with a huge smile on his face.

"it was fun mom. it was a lot of fun." he went on rambling about his day. with a huge smile on his face.

// welp, this is a starter i hope you guys enjoy it 💞 i really do. i'm working really hard on it.      i swear if my friend reads this. yeah bro, i used the names of teachers from our school, i was just really not feeling/being creative so leave me alone. lol. //

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