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tsukki awoke to his mom shaking him telling him he needs to go to school.

he groaned and rolled over covering his head. "no, i don't want to."

"tsukki, you don't really have a choice. i'm sorry but you have to."

tsukki huffed and threw the blankets off of him as he glared up at his mom.

"breakfast is ready downstairs." she smiled softly and left his room closing the door behind her.

he got up and ready for school.

when his mom was driving him they arrived at the same time.

"hey tsukki why don't you get yamaguchi to walk you in?" hismom asked. they didn't have to go through the whole school thing this morning since they did it last week on friday afternoon.

he shrugged, hugged his mom goodbye, and walk to yamaguchi.

they walked in and got into the classroom before the bell rang.

as soon as the class started the teacher walked in.

"good morning. today we have a new student attending out class, his name is tsukki. i hope you all treat him with respect and make him feel welcome. tsukki is there anything you wanna say?" the teacher asked.

everyone in the class looked around finding the new student. all eyes were in him when they found he didn't look familiar.

"no." he simply stated hunching his shoulders.

"okay then. i hope you enjoy your time here." the teacher smiled before continuing with class.

// small update, but imma be switching the pov's around a little bit :)

i hope you enjoyed this little chapter. i hope to update soon //


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