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yamaguchi was more then excited to go to school again the next day. he got up out of bed and quickly got dressed, brushed his hair, ate his breakfast, brushed his teeth and so on.

on the car ride there yamaguchi kept talking about how much fun he was gonna have. how all the kids were gonna wanna play with him because he's cool.

when they got to the school yama told his mom that he didn't need her to walk him in anymore, that he was good to go on his own.

he walked in the school and went to his classroom were he was greeted by all the kids, when the bell rang signalling class has started they all rushed and got seated at a desk.

it continued on like his for a week. but after that week was over, no one wanted to hang out with him anymore. it's like he was just some used item no one wanted anymore.

no one included him in their games anymore, no one wanted to eat lunch with him anymore, and no one even greeted him when he walked into the class. they just simply didn't notice him.

he walked out of the school so head down with a sad look on his face. his mother was standing by the door waiting for him. she saw the saddened boy and felt her heart sink.

"what's wrong champ?" she asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

he stayed silent.

this carried on for a while.

about 3 months later about a block away. there was a new family moving in. a family of 4.

yamaguchi and his mom went to go greet this family.

when they got there the family was already somewhat settled into their new home. yamaguchi's mom knocked on the door. when the door opened she greeted the new family and they thanked her.

the family invited them in to stay for a while and for supper. they agreed and yamaguchi was stuck playing with tssuki who seemed to not want to nothing but play with you dinosaurs.

"can we play something else, a little more fun?" yamaguchi asked silently.

"no." said tsukki in a monotone voice. "you're not very fun." yama said.

a few hours later when they were done visiting. yamaguchi and his mom got up and went home to prepare for another day of school.

// ayeeee, do s new update. i'm gonna be soon publishing my vkook book. 'i think i like you.' so if you wanna stick around and reads this book because i'll probably announce it in this book. so please i hope you enjoy this book!! //

Running Back To You // Tsukkiyama Where stories live. Discover now