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"Harry! Why can't you just try to understand me?!" she yelled. This was going overboard.

"Understand you? You have no idea how hard it is for me!" I screamed back, all of my words coming out of anger. Where this anger was coming from, I didn't know. "So before you start accusing me, take a look at yourself."

"You did not just say that!" she shrieked in disbelief. "It's not easy for me to wait here all the time while you're off touring!" she exclaimed. "Having to listen and watch girls say that they love you?! I know you might not love them back, but every time I read a stupid tweet of a fan stating that they are 'in love with you', it breaks my heart," she admitted, no longer yelling. Her harsh words were melting into morose. "It breaks my heart because I'm the only one who's allowed to say that. And I can't bear to hear it from someone else's mouth."

"Beatri-" I started.

"And you ask me to try and understand you? Have you tried to understand me, Harry? And that's not all that's been bothering me lately." She interrupted. Her voice began to raise again, going higher by an octave.

"Well maybe if you had a little more trust in me this never-" I began to explain.

"Stop making this about me!" she screamed, clenching her fists at her side, her face turning red with anger. Her wide eyes bore into mine accusingly. Her eyebrows were raised in anger and her face was all scrunched up -all things she does when she enraged.

"It's not just about me either!" I yelled, just as enraged as her.

"Well then," She said, her voice trembling with utmost anger. Her bottom lip quivered. "Let's make it about you because I did nothing wrong!"

"I can't help what the fans say and think. It's not like I control everything."

"I-I" Beatrice stuttered, but composed herself again."I just cannot handle this right now Harry, I need you to leave," she said firmly.

"But this is my house." I remarked, yelling at the same volume.

"Fine! I'll leave," she retorted through gritted teeth,"I'll take the freaking bus and leave, okay? Oh! And Harry, you can have your house all to yourself as well, I'll come later this week to get my stuff. Yeah, I'll leave, but this time, I'm not coming back.You can have your precious life back."

She wasn't serious, was she? We'd been dating for 4 years straight and as far as I knew, we were strong together. As strong as a bundle of sticks covered in dry concrete. Nothing like this had ever happened. There wouldn't be a reason for it.

"Bea, don't do this. Don't you think this going a little too far?" I asked, grabbing her arm before she could escape out the front door, desperately hoping this was all some cruel joke.

"Let go of me you, you bastard!"she screamed, ripping her arm out of my grip. "Don't call me Harry, because I definitely won't answer." was the last thing she said before marching out the door and slamming it shut on my face.

I stood in shock, my feet glued to the ground. My mind reeled as the earlier conversation flashed through my head once again. What the hell just happened? Is she really moving out? I couldn't register it into my head.

Once I realized that she wasn't coming back, ever again, I threw the closest thing to me and screamed out in anger, my voice wavering hoarsely. Pulling my hair out in frustration. I let out a deep breath; trying to get my temper under control. My heart was in my throat, threatening to jump out of my mouth.

I was so mad I could punch a wall.

Why do I always have to mess things up so badly? How do I always end up ruining everything good that happens to me?


Gif of an 'angry' Harry on the side. Haha jkjk. That pic isn't serious, just thought I would put it up there so you could laugh ;)

So there is the first chappie. I hope you enjoyed. Just an FYI these chapters will be very short but I will update as often as I can ;)

Dedication to @CrazyLaughter for being the editor of this new story, so go check her out, she's really nice.

νσммєηт мє ρℓєαѕє <3

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