Awakening: The Lost Story of the Dead

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What is death?

Is it the ending of mortal life, and the birth of an immortal one?  Is it the end of the road?  The firery pits of hell?  Is there something after that, or does it all just...end.

A better question was how you do you want to die?  Surrounded by love ones?  Saving the lives of an innocent?  Falling asleep to never wake up?  I had asked myself the questions but never really answered them myself.  I feared it, I feared the idea of leaving and never coming back.  Every day I fought for this life, but it only got closer to death.  What's the point of living if we all die?  I never understood our mortality, and I never will.  Because I'm no longer mortal.  I can never die peacefully like when I was mortal.  Only the  flames of hate and the pain of love end my being of existence.

But if I had to die, just one more time, I would want to die knowing someone was out there that knew who I am.  What I truly was.


Okay so I have no idea what I'm doing with this.  I guess this is just something I'lln write on the side, but if you like it, give a comment.

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