Chapter IV

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I had been sitting on the edge of the bed for half an hour now. My feet continuously moved, and I was more nervous than ever.

Connor had went out to get rations for the next couple of days. Which included my blood. I shivered at the image of Connor draining animal meat. He said he would be back soon, but that was almost forty minutes ago. I was pacing now, ringing my hair in my hands. It was damp from being in the shower.

What if something happened to him? We moved down to West Virginia, and was in a run down motel. Sadly every room was taken that had two beds, so we got stuck with one small, dingy queen size bed. Connor said we were going to talk, but what if he doesn't come back? The idea that I just got him, and might lose him now made me angrier than I had been when I was first changed. There was something going on here between us that I had to find out was. He was a key to something. Something that important enough we dreamed about each other before actually meeting one another.

The door to the motel opened, and I started reaching for my sword when I saw it was Connor. He had at least twelve bags in his hands, and a McDonald's bag in his mouth. Relief pooled in me seeing he wasn't harmed. I rushed over taking most of the bags, and the smell of blood wafted from one of them. "Okay, so I got you at least three weeks worth of blood, some rope, more stakes, and some roseblood." His child-like smile faded some. "On second thought, I'll handle the roseblood." I laughed, and picked around the new toys I had gotten. I kept away from the bottles of roseblood of course. "Where did you go? Death's 'R' Us?" He chuckled, and started putting away the weapons. "I know a guy out here, he gives me freebies a lot."

"Obviously," neither of us spoke of the elephant in the room. I wanted to just make him start talking but sadly I couldn't do that. The myth about vampires controlling humans was probably one of the worst myths about us. I mean other than turning to ash in the sun. Okay it was a runner up. "Connor, will you tell me about the dreams?" His smile faded to a frown. He looked like a child in a toy store and then was told he couldn't have anything. His large hand came over his face. "Yea," he went to one side of the bed, and I sat at the opposite end.

This was it, I thought. I was finally going to see why he meant something to me. Why I kept seeing his eyes, why I kept ending the light in them. "They started up a couple months ago. It just started with me being locked in this room, and it was dark..." My stomach gave a sharp pain. It was just like my dream. "I kept hearing this girl crying, begging for mercy. I tried to tell her I wasn't going to hurt her, but I couldn't speak. It was like someone muted me. I tried to find her, following her voice, but I kept getting lost in the room. Then the lights came on," He wouldn't look at me. And I knew why.

"I saw you, and you were just standing. I could finally talk to you again, and whenever I would ask what happened you would just ramble about saving it.." Save what? I didn't understand how his dream sounded just like mine but then change so quickly. "I had finally calmed you down, and we talked for what seemed like hours, and then," He stopped talking. I waited impatiently for him to speak again. He seemed paler, his features more gaunt. Like talking about the dream drained him of life. "We were just sitting there, and you just stopped talking. When I looked down you had a huge hole in your chest. There was no weapon, nothing there. I tried to save you but you were already gone."

He was quiet, his hands in knots of their own. "I tried saving you so many times, but every outcome was the same. Even in the dream I knew what you were, you told me, but I could see then you weren't like the others. You're humanity was intact." It felt like a blade came across my heart. My humanity was intact but I feared for how long. "Seeing you makes it so much more real."

I didn't know what to say. It honestly just felt like we were both having the same dream except the other dies. That left me nowhere. No leads, nothing. "You said you had the dream too?" His blue eyes seemed to lure me in. I could have stared at them forever, but I nodded my throat dry.

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