Chapter III

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I woke up to the sound of footsteps.  I sat up, not noticing the dizzy feeling.  I was in a room that was small, and dank.  It reeked of cat piss, and I was 100% sure the big stain by the door was blood.  My first human instinct was that I had been kidnapped.  The second was to get the hell out of here.  My sword was right next to the bed I was in, I reached for it and stood up facing whoever was coming.  The door to the room unlocked, and hit me with the bitter sweet scent of human flesh.  I didn't waver at the smell, but when I saw the boy from the night before I tossed the sword aside.

    Honestly I didn't know whether I was being held hostage or a guest to these people.  The boy gave a wry grin, a bag in his hand.  The smell of cooked chicken wafted the air, hiding his scent some from me.  "Last I saw you, you looked dead."  He took a seat by a dresser that had a small pile of clothes on it.  The bag in his hand crumpled open and he pulled out a chicken sandwhich.  I watched in silence as he ate it, not looking at me.  He seemed content with the dead animal in his mouth.  I was trying not to think about blood, or food.  Since I lost so much blood last night I would need another feeding, which might I add, dreaded.  Especially considering I had no one to get me blood anymore, I never got blood,Trey of Fiona would get it for me.  They would usually steal a blood bag or get some animal blood, I never asked.

        "Are you going to keep staring at me like a meal, or can you speak?"  I glared at him, trying to cover up the staring.  He probably thought I wanted to drain him, but in reality I was slightly terrified right now.  The dream that kept repeating for weeks in my head was replaying over and over again.  I didn't even think about hurting him, ever, but the dream was there-mocking me.  And then there was the fact that everyone he knew wanted to kill me.  "Where are the others?"  I avoided his statement and decided to find out what all was going on.  I still needed to find out why he saved me.  I was a monster, a killer, I deserved to die.

"They went out.  Won't be back until later."  I knew he could tell I was shaky.  It was one of the side effects of lacking blood.  I wasn't in bad shape, I could probably hold out a couple of days, but I knew I didn't look great.  "You okay?  Your really pale, I mean, more than the dead usually are."  He rose an eyebrow to me.  "I'll be fine."  I was still in my outfit from yesterday.  Blood stained my clothes, a scar was above my belly button from where I stabbed myself.  I ached all over, but everything had already healed.  A perk to being a monster, we didn't die too easily.  He had finished the sand which "You're hungry aren't you?"  He caught on easily I thought.

"I'm not hungry, I just lost a lot of blood yesterday."

"And so you have to feed?"

"No I don't have to feed, I can go a couple more days without eating."  I would be really weak when I needed blood, but I was fine with that.  He sighed, and reached inside the paper bag again.  My breath hitched when I saw a bag of red liquid.  "John said you would need something."  He seemed bored with the idea of a vampire feeding.  He wasn't that old.  Twenty three at most, but he had to of seen a lot being a hunter.  He's probably seen a clan of vampires rip a victim apart, or a Mutt drain someone dry.  It was sickening, my kind.

"Who's is that?"  I asked horrified.  I prayed he got that from a small animal and not a human being.  "Calm down, I stole it from a butcher shop.  There's some chicken, and I think lamb in here."  I sighed in relief, but still felt queasy at the sight.  The Hunger wasn't setting in like usual since I had fed yesterday, I felt more revolt to the contents in the bag than the need to drink it.  "You really don't like being a vampire do you?"

I shook my head.  "Is that why you saved my family last night?"  That actually stung.  I saved the hunter's because I didn't want anyone to die.  And I wanted to do something right.  "No, I did it because I was sick of Klef's ways.  There was no need to kill anyone because you did nothing wrong."  I thought back to the way Klef was looking at me.  Like he was afraid of losing me.  The idea that Klef actually felt something for me made me sick to my stomach.  Usually Klef would find a new toy to play with and move on, and I thought that was what he was doing to me.  Either way I hate him.

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