Chapter V

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"Mila, wake up." I turned over, drawn by the fear of the voice. I was back in the same room again, except the lights were on. Connor was walking to me, his intentions on me. I was trying to get him to stay away, but he just kept coming. His hand gently pushed me against the wall, his eyes darker than usual. "Stay away," I sobbed. He tilted his head, like he somewhat heard me. It was the first time anything had gone through dream Connor's hearing. "You could never hurt me Mila." He said, and then tilted his head down. My heart sped up as his lips touched mine. Fireworks sped through me while ice water poured through my veins. His hands were around my waist holding me closely but carefully. I held on to him as if my life depended on it. I finally broke away, suddenly feeling the hunger pains kick in. "You have to wake up." He said. He reached down to kiss me again only for me to be sucked into a black hole.

"Mila, you have to wake up." I jumped up. Connor was hovering over me, his blue eyes inquisitively staring down at me. "You kept saying my name. Was it the dream again?" I nodded, my voice suddenly gone from me. I had never had that dream before. It was a relief not having to kill Connor, but it wasn't too great that I was dreaming of kissing him either. I tried slowing my heart down, but it only kept speeding up. I wasn't used to him being this close, his scent cloaked around me making me dizzy. "I'm up," I said hoarsely. I lightly pushed my hand against his chest to get him off me. His muscle moved fluently under my finger's. He seemed to not notice me panicking, but grinned like he knew I was uncomfortable. He finally got off me, still smiling like an idiot. "Why are you smiling?"

"Because, you're so...strange."

"Thanks, I try," I was awake now, and threw my legs over the bed. I saw Connor's palate in the floor, it was only a blanket and a pillow now neatly folded in a small pile. "Not like that, you're just unique that's all." I didn't say anything but my stomach seemed to flutter in surprise. "Now get ready, we leave in twenty." He went out the motel door, I guessed to get the truck ready. I went to take a shower, Lord knows how long it'll be before I can bathe again.

Twelve minutes later, and I was pulling my magical tattoo making sword into it's sheath. Connor wasn't back yet and like yesterday, I was starting to worry. Time seemed to slow down like syrup and I found myself going into a deep thought of anxiety. Where could he be? I started walking towards the door, when he walked in. "Time to go," He said hurriedly.

"What's wrong?" He grabbed my back pack, and pulled it over his shoulder. His free hand went to the small of my back. "If anyone asks, you are my wife, and were traveling the states as our honeymoon." My heart knotted at the thought. No, this is just a cover up, it's not real.

"Are there vampires here?"

"A couple in the area, I threw our trail off. But we need to leave so we don't get caught, and in order for that we have to appear normal." He was hardly moving his lips, and I had to even strain to hear him. "So normal for you is you're married?" I asked, amused by his tactics.

"Yes, with two beautiful children and a dog to throw in. Now let's go," I smiled but didn't say anything more. We got in the truck, and pulled out. It was about five in the morning, the sun not even risen yet. Connor was dressed in a short sleeve shirt, the compass in plain sight.

"So the compass says South?" I said. He nodded, barely glancing my way. "It's probably taking us to the older parts of the states. When settlers first came here, your kind were a bit of a pest. They still believed in dark magic then, and tried finding ways to stop them. The hunter's made all these secret catacombs and hideouts that held the key to keeping darkness at bay." I imagined hundreds of hunter's gathered around in a damp cave talking in low lights about decapitating a vampire like me. And then the idea that there are other's like me are out there. Disgusted by what they became, and tried to stop it. I didn't technically try stopped all of the vampire race, but I did go against it.

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