Chapter 6

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-Bokuto POV-

I have my hands over Kuroos eyes. I lead him to the living room and become more nervous with every step. What if this is a mistake I think, what if he doesn't love me back, what if I ruin our relationship? These thoughts continue to circle around in my head, but I have to push them to the background as we step imto the living room. I take a deep breath and let my hands fall of his eyes.
He's silent and just stares. I don't know if this is good or bad. My hand begin to sweat and my flight instinct kicks in. I want to run and not face what I've done. Kuroo, my best friend and crush, hates me. I know he does, the emotionless expression tells enough. I start to splutter an apology when he turns around. My hands fly up protecting myself from an attack I'm sure is coming.
It never does.

Instead I feel the pressure of soft lips against my own. It takes my head a few seconds to comprehend what is happening. Kuroo is kissing me. OH MY GOD KUROO IS KISSING ME. My eyes grow comically wide as I stare at him, then I start kissing back. Lets just say that it was the most magical kiss ever. His lips are soft as silk and when I gasp his tongue pushes past my lips. Oh he's skilled, I let him lead and boy is that a good decision. Eventually we have to break apart for air. I mourn the loss of his lips in silence and look at his face. There's a big smile plastered on it and that makes me extremely happy.
'So', he says, ' You love me.' His smile is replaced by a shit eating grin. My face turns bright red and I try to cover it up with my hands, of course Kuroo is having none of that. He takes my hands and guides them away from my face. So I look away, but he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. His eyes had turned soft. 'Let me tell you a secret', he whispers in my ear, ' I love you too.'
I can't contain my happiness any longer. 'You do!' I squeal not even embarrassed by my tone. 'Yeah.' he says and kisses me again and again and again and again.

Suddenly I become giddy and I start giggling uncontrollably, I really can't help myself. Kuroo looks confused and asks me why I'm laughing. Through the giggles I managed to say: 'I never thought you'd love me like this. It just seems so unreal that it's funny. Like I'm worthy somehow, it's unbelievable.'
Then his arms surround me in a tight hug. His hand are combing through my hair and I hear him say: 'You are always worthy.' It is silent for a while then he looks over at my confession. He snorts 'Really Bo, a banner with I will OWLways loaf you?'
I look at it to and sheepishly admit that it's kinda stupid. We laugh over it.

I gaze in his eyes. He always tells me that my eyes are pretty, but his are beautiful with the light of the moon reflecting in them they shine like never before and I feel myself falling a bit more. He looks at me and asks: ' Hey? Bo, will you be my boyfriend?' I'm taken aback by his casualness, but I'm quick to agree.
He pecks my lips and says: 'You wanna sleep in my bed, boyfriend?'
I smile happily and nod my head. He leads me to his bedroom and we flop down unceremoniously on the mattress. He lies on his back and I'm snuggled at his side with his arm wrapped around me.
I don't think I have ever slept aa well as that night in the arms of my boyfriend. Boyfriend, the term makes me feel bubbly inside. I'm happy. I'm at peace.

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