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Dice asked Devil to met him in his living quarters. He wasn't lying about living in the casino. The was a closed off section in the very back of the casino that even Devil didn't noticed. The door was purple with the letters "KD" in gold. Devil sighed as he knocked on the door.

"It's open!!!" Yelled Dice on the other side. Devil opened the door and was greeted was the smell of lavender. The area was even a lavender color, with a large bookshelf, piano, dining room, living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a full kitchen. Devil wondered how the hell did Dice get all of this with out him properly knowing. At least the place was very neat.

"Where are you?" Asked Devil, not seeing Dice anywhere.

"Changing in my room, just wait in the kitchen sir!!!" Dice yelled through one of the doors. Devil headed to the kitchen and sat at the dining table. He looked around and noticed some old picture frames. Some of them was of Dice as a kid, other are from the days at the casino. One of them cause his attention. It was a picture of Dice's soul contract, him, and Devil. The day Dice began working for Devil.

"You've been staring for awhile there, Devil~" Dice said as he enters the kitchen. He wore some house clothes.

"Why did you call me here?"

"Well...sir~" Dice glares at Devil before grabbing one of his horns. Devil yelps a bit before he felt Dice's hand on his neck.

"You dare choke me!?!" Yelled Devil, glaring at Dice. Dice smiled.

"I would, but I have other plans~" Dice said as he sat on Devil's lap and tugged at at fur behind Devil's neck. Devil gasps out and shutters, biting his lip hard. Dice strokes deeply the area, earning muffled moans from Devil. Devil's breath quicken as he pulled Dice closer. Dice watched as Devil pants hard and blushes hard.

"D-D-Dice!!! Ahh... Stop...ahhh, nnn...." Begged Devil, growling slightly.

"Make me..." Dice said strictly.

"D-Dice...if you, ahhh, don't stop...I'll..I'll..." Panted DEvil, eyes full of lust. Dice felt something warm and hard under him. Dice looked and blushed deeply to see Devil's cock grinding against his ass.

" This make you horny? .... Now imagine how I felt when you licked and touched me.... You want relief?" Asked Dice. Devil nodded shamefully. "To bad... I won't help you..." Dice got up and tied up Devil to the chair.

"You can't..ahh, leave me here!!! DICE!!!!!" But Dice left, locking the his bedroom door behind him. "You bastard!!! Get back here!!!! DIICE!!!! DIIIIIIIICEEEE!!!!!!"

Bet Your Love For Mine (Devil X King Dice)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora