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One night, the casino was booming with business. With lots of customers, it means lots of souls, money, and booze. The smell of alcohol filled the air and Dice tried not to gag at it. He walked around the floors and tables, watching drunk bastards make riots. Dice couldn't help but feel disgusted. As Dice made his rounds, a customer reaches over and pulls Dice to him.

"Well well, -hic- boys, look.... Look who it is!!! It's King Dice!!!" Slurred the man, his friends cheered and Dice growls a bit. "Aye aye, eaaaasy there -hic- buddy... You work too hard.... Have a drink with us!!!"

"That's.. Kind of you, but I can't, I-"

"Come on Dice!! One drink? Pleaaasseee???" Asked another drunk. Soon the table started chanting for Dice to have one drink. It grew louder, and louder, and louder. Dice's patience is running low fast.

"ENOUGH!!!! ... One drink, and that's it..."

-9 drinks later-

Dice giggled as he swayed around the bar. Everyone liked seeing him drunk. Dice would joke around, sing in a goofy way, and play a few games. Even when he's drunk, his luck never wavers. Dice won every game he played. Dice was a very good player, and did catch some attention. Two men walked up to Dice when he was at the bar.

"Heya Dice, you're really good at gambling." Said one of the men.

"Th...thanks~ -hic- " Dice said in a groggy manner.

"Say Dice, you seeing anyone?" Asked the other man. Dice eyed him before giggling.

"Why would -hic- want to know?" Dice asked. The first man slowly slipped his hand onto Dice's hip.

"Well, we thought we could buy you another drink~" Dice blushed slight before nodding. Both men bought Dice some shots of whiskey. But one of them was tainted. And both men knew.

"Here, one for your luck~" said one as he hands Dice the shot. Dice giggles before downing the shot, feeling the burning in his throat. The heat slowly spread all over his body.

"Man...-huff- this whiskey is... -huff- quite the kicker.." panted Dice. After five more shots, Dice was a panting mess, his face dusted with a lavender blush. The men grinned and takes Dice to a back room. Wheezy sees this and rushes over to Devil's office.

"Boss!!! BOSS!!" Yelled Wheezy. Devil slammed his fist against his desk, making some papers and cash fall.

"The HELL do you want Wheezy?!" Growled Devil.

"It's about Dice, he's been drinking and some trouble makers took him to the back!!" Devil's eyes widen and flare with rage. Wheezy points the way and Devil storms his way over. It didn't take long until Devil found Dice with other men. They were groping him and slowly undoing his clothes. Dice was a moaning mess as his face flushed a deep purple. Whe one of them bit Dice's shoulder, making him Yelp, Devil loses it.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DICE!!!" With that, Devil lunges at the men and throws them off Dice.

"D-D-Devil...ahh~~...." Dice moaned as he clings himself onto Dveil. Devil can feel how hot Dice's body feels. It wasn't normal. The men ran off before Devil can teach them a lesson. Instead, he takes Dice to his office, carrying him bridal style. Some customers stared and whispered. But it didn't matter to Devil. Once in his office, Devil sat Dice on his desk and looked at him.

"S-sir?..." Dice flustered. He was a panting mess, smelled like booze, his shirt was undone, legs slowly spreading apart, and the begging bulge in his half zipped pants.

"They touched you... I don't like that...." With that, Devil looms over Dice and bit his shoulder hard, making a deep wound. Dice cried out in the mix of pain and pleasure. "Now that you're mine, you should get some rest after a cold shower.."

"But... but Devy~..." Devil blushed darkly at the nickname.

"No buts!!! Shower and bed, got that?"

"Fine... I love you..."

"I... -sigh- shower and bed...." With that Devil leaves Dice alone. He couldn't believe how long he managed to hold back for fucking Dice senseless. But he knew better. Dice wouldn't forgive him. For now he had business to attend at the casino. Let's just say... few new rules..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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