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  The killing of Eve was salient.

  At first they cried. By choice some died.
—But all grieved the loss of their salvation.

Who could've thought, that one so pure and bound by blood to be the cure, could meet such a immoral end.

But the killing of Eve was not all as it seemed, for her killer was the one she came from.

Born of the body and destined to die, from the start Eve was doomed to fall. Hardwired to desire and called upon by Sin himself, she was warned that there was always flight before the fall.

Still she longer for something more, she didn't hesitate to echo Sin's call, crying out for him to meet her.

But when Sin came crawling, Adam's actions became appalling, as he struck down the one he should love.

Eve died there in his arms, eyes wide and frightened of Death's charms as she finally became one with the above.

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