Chapter 3- a different science class

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P.O.V Chris

After the bell went to go to lunch, I had to go to the principals office. He kept going on and on about how o need to organise myself, then I could go. As I was walking out I could see Sophie and Rachel. I saw Sophie's bright red, blushing face before she stood up. Obviously I was in a daydream because I ended up 3 centimetres away from Sophie's face. This is embarrassing. She turned around and ran as if her life dependent on it. I turned around and saw Rachel almost falling off her chair in excitement. She gets up and starts chasing after Sophie.

After lunch, I went to class, we had science. And Sophie is my science partner. I tried to forget about what happened but I can tell from her face she's still thinking about it.

"So, do you wanna decorate the poster?" I ask
"N-no, it's ok, y-you can"

I start to decorate the poster. I can see Sophie is looking nervous. I get lost in her beautiful, blue eyes. She notices.

"A-are you o-ok?"
"Oh, uhh, y-yea, I'm fine"

I get back to the poster.

"Uhhh, Hey, uhh, C-Christ,"
"Will, you, uhhh, g-go, uhh, o-out with m-me?"

I look at her, stunned for a few moments.

"Y-yes, I'd love to"

I see her face light up. She's really happy. Her happy face is so beautiful. She hugs me. And I hug her back.

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