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11. The primary antagonists in Sailor Moon S, known as the Death Busters, are from Tau Ceti. It is a real star in the Cetus constellation and is similar to the sun. It is 12 light-years away from the solar system.

12. There are many differences in the anime and manga of Sailor Moon, which some will be mentioned (not all of them will be mentioned in fact #12). In the anime, Michiru (Sailor Neptune) is proficient at painting, and has a piece in the museum! But, this isn't one of her skills in the manga.

13. In the manga, Sailor Tin Nyanko's civilian name is Suzu Nyanko. In Japenese, Suzu means bell, which she wears aroung her neck with a choker. Nyanko means cat, something along the lines of kitty. In fact, she is cat -like in appearence and behavior.

14. Ikuhara Kunihiko directed many episodes of Sailor Moon, as well as its first film, Sailor Moon R: The Movie. He also directed Revoloutionary Girl Utena and Mawaru Penguindrum. Revoloutionary Girl Utena is magical girl series, which is much alike to Sailor Moon. Both anime were animated by the same team.

15. In the Sailor Moon Manga, the Sailor Starlights were female, but in the anime, they were all males who turned into females, when they transformed to their Sailor Scout forms. In the manga and anime, Seiya had a cute crush on Usagi (sailor moon).

16. Naoko Takeuchi, the creator of Sailor Moon, had not been a big fan of the gender change in the anime. She had established that only females could be Sailor Scouts. That's the reason why their is no Sailor Earth. Tuxedo Mask, a male, possesses Earth's Sailor Crystal. With that, Naoko never explained how Tuxedo Mask could have a Sailor Crystal.

17. Rei (Sailor Mars) writes her name in katakana, which is the Japanese writing system usually for foreign words.

18. n mythology, Pluto is the God of death and Saturn is the God of time. However, in Sailor Moon the roles are switched with Sailor Saturn being the God of death, and Sailor Pluto being the God of time.

19. Cronus, the father of the Gods in Greek Mythology, known as Saturn in Roman Mythology, weilded a Scythe. That's probably why Sailor Saturn does the same.

20. In the manga, Ami (Sailor Mercury) had said that her ideal man would be Albert Einstein. She calls him Einstein-sama which is very respectful.

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