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The world was just black... There were flickers of light here and there, but nothing more. 

"W-where a-am I?" A small, black skeleton child asked. He was shaking, his eyes filled with tears. 

He didn't like the darkness, he hated it! It felt like it was trying to drown him, suffocate him! 

"So-someone! H-Help me pl-please!" He shouted as he broke down sobbing. 

There was no gravity, so his tears floated up into the empty world. For hours he just cried, begging someone to find him, to save him from the 'monsters' in the dark. .. But no-

"Are you okay?" A soft voice asked, sounding just a little older than five. 

The crying skeleton looked up to see a white skeleton wearing a colorful gown. It was made to be flexible, as if to help in a fight... It was gorgeous nonetheless.

"N-No... I-I don't want the m-monsters t-to get me." The first skeleton whimpered, glitches forming. 

The second one frowned, bringing the other one into an embrace. It calmed the black skeleton down as he hugged back, liking how it felt. 

"Why don't we explore together?" The older one of the two asked, wiping away the remaining tears.

All the smol could do was nod. 

"I'm calling you Rea!" The two skeletons smiled at each other. It was a smile that only siblings would share. 

"Then I'm calling you Ira!" Rea chirped, wrapping his arms around Ira tightly. 

"Okay! Let's go explore!" 

The two explored for hours, finding a large spear in the shape of a paintbrush and a large sowing needle. Rea took the sowing needle and the bits of yarn with him as Ira took the paint brush spear. 

Days passed and the two grew bored and started to fight. They didn't know why, but they liked it. Both creating and destroying the other's creations. It was a game to them... But it got serious quickly. 

Ira jabbed his spear into Rea's sternum, forcing him to spit out blood. 

"S-stop! I-I don't want to p-play no m-more." The darker skeleton cried, not liking how he was hurting his brother... or how he was hurting...

The lighter skeleton started to tear up, not because he was in pain. No, he hurt his younger brother, over a silly game! He couldn't do that!

"I'm sorry, brother... Please forgive me." Ira pulled his brother into a hug, using some magic to heal him. 

The two pulled away, knowing what to do. They wanted to create, yet from what they learned from the ruins, they could not. Not in the same world. 

So, they made it where they could. But, they kept the place where they were born alone. They wanted to visit each other in secret, not wanting anyone to know. 

Then they messed up. 

Rea took a new name, Reboot. He was able to restart or  SAVE a world if it was to be destroyed. He learned it really easily. Though it wouldn't help him.

He made many AU's, things of beauty in his eyes... Yet, one AU, his first AU, made him feel weird... Pain... The same type of pain he felt when Ira had stabbed him... But it was faint, like it wasn't there at all...

Often, he visited. He hid in the shadows or wore a cloak. No one had ever seen him, and no one knew he was there. No matter how many times he had visited the AU, finding nothing wrong with it, the feeling never left. 

When he found out why, it was already too late. The world was being destroyed, the codes switching and erasing themselves. 

Reboot tried and tried to fix it, before it got noticed... His efforts made it worse! 

"No! Stop, please!" He called out as the world he was in was being stripped to white. 

He ran as fast as he could, trying to grab anyone he could. The virus was faster. It cleaned the world into nothing but a white void.

"No! NO!" He shouted, anger boiling inside of him. The anger was replaced with guilt and grief.

Everything went wrong. The pain was a warning... It was to help him SAVE the world...  

He sobbed loudly. The lone survivor had already left, he was alone... The pain in his skull burning...

"I-I'm sorry... L-Let me h-help... Please..." Reboot whimpered, summoning a bone attack...

No! He had a job to do! He wasn't messing it up! No... He can't... He made a promise...

He worked and worked. He protected and protected. He fixed and fixed... The moral soul was scared with a crack...

He cries every time someone dies, someone hurts... He just wants to help... He just wants to create... Wanted to create... Now he must fix everything and leave... Let Ink kill him... Let Ink rule the Universe in peace...

Yes... That'll SAVE the creations from death...

I'm Sorry, My CreationWhere stories live. Discover now