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Reboot woke to pain. He felt it everywhere. He felt pain in his ribs, in his sternum, in his soul. 

He gave a cry of agony, his arms covering his chest. It just hurt!

"Rea!" A white skeleton shouted, gently setting the dark skeleton on his back. "You shouldn't be moving." 

"E-Eraser?" Boots held his head, trying to remember what happened. "W-what h-happened? W-why did y-you call me R-Rea?" 

Eraser looked at Reboot, taking in the fact that he sounded, looked and was sort of acting like the old Reboot. The Reboot that he used to fight. 

"You don't remember?" 

The glitch shook his head carfully. He tried to remember, but everything was fussy... All he remebered was singing and making breakfast, finding out that he wasn't at Ink's then... Nothing... He didn't remember anything. It was like he was in limbo or something. 

"W-was I s-suppose to?" 

Eraser just sighed, he couldn't do anything about it now... He just had to protect the Creator from the demon thing. Yet he also knew that Reboot would find out quickly.

"I think the Anti-Void summoned Cairo... Something that has taken a small interest in you."

The dark skeleton gasped, his eyes wide. Why would the void do that? Wasn't there balance? He wasn't making anymore AU's and Eraser wasn't destroying any!

"B-But, why?" 

The destroyer shrugged. He really didn't know why or how. 

" I don't know... I thought you would know..." He muttered, his voice sad. 

"H-How many?" Tears were brimming the secretive skeleton's eyes. 

The 'soulless' monster looked away. Cairo wasn't able to destroy many AU's like Eraser, but since no one was rebuilding the AU's and making more, his destruction is becoming more noticeable in different AU's. 

"Only four successful ones, one of them you saved by giving a piece of your soul to them." 

The virus held covered his mouth, his eyes wide. He wasn't suppose to show that. They weren't to know! How could he be so blunt and blind about it all!

"I-I'm so-sorry..." He whimpered, tears cascading down his face. 

Eraser frowned, pulling the young skeleton close to him. He didn't want to see the smol cry. Even though he was only a child for two days at most, the destroyer was still able to care for the child version of virus. 

"Hey, it's alright... Everything will be alright... Don't worry about it... Everything will be alright..." Eraser wasn't sure of his words. For all he knew, Reboot wasn't strong enough to beat who-knows-how-old demon! For all the white skeleton knew, the demon had already won!

"O-Okay... D-do-"

"No, I'll cook, I just don't want you moving too much." 

Reboot nodded, going limp in his enemies arms. The two went down stairs, the other killers there as well. 

Halluciv looked like he was about to cry in a second. Xcellence had a harden look as he held the gooey skeleton close to him. Dust held his head down as he sniffled. Horror and Killer were hugging each other tightly. They didn't want to let each other go... They just couldn't...

"Dust, can you move?" The dusty skeleton looked up and moved to the end of the couch, not making a sound. He didn't even know what to say...

The dark skeleton looked around the room the best he could... The place was filled with grief and anger... Though the fear was what could have been felt the most. Fear from all of the killers, who had a lot of HP...

"W-What had happened?" 

The other pale skeletons looked at him, but said nothing. It was as if they wanted to tell him, but didn't want to him at the same time.

"I-Is it Cairo..." The small monster asked, his voice sounding sad.

They gave a small nod. Eraser came back into the living room with a plate of food and a cup of hot chocolate. 

"Eat." He stated, placing the food in front of the Creator.

The dark boned monster shook his head. He didn't want to eat... He didn't know why there wasn't balance... He didn't understand why Cairo was there...

"Reboot, you're going have to eat..." Killer whispered, his voice broken sounding. 

Looking down at the plate of bacon and eggs with a couple pancakes, he took a bite. He liked the taste... It was better than anything he had ever eaten... 

Slowly, he finished his plate and sipped on his drink. The food and drink making his HP go back up. Once the cup was emptied as well, the items were taken away and the Destroyer was back in the kitchen. 

There was nothing that could be said... Or done... 

"Reboot... We're going to need to know everything... We need to know if we're going to stop that thing from making this Multiverse nothing." Eraser held a soft, but stern voice. 

The dark mistake nodded, hugging himself. 

"Okay... I'll explain as best as I could..." He whispered softly, his words sending rushing waves of free air... Of peace and knowledge... Yet... They didn't know if they truly wanted that knowledge...

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