Chapter 1

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"Happy Birthday!!" My family screams to wake me up. I jolt awake and smile.

"Thanks you guys!!" I scream back jumping up and down on my bed. Its my 18th birthday meaning I have my first shift and move to the pack house today. I own my own bakery so I don't have to worry about money. No I am not the alphas or beta or even gammas daughter. I'm just a regular wolf. My fur is Hazel colored along with my wolf eyes.

"Breeja wanna eat cake?" My sister Amiah asks.

"Yes but ALL OF YOU GET OUT!" I scream.

The all run out laughing. My family is fun and I love it. I have all my stuff packed and I kept an outfit for today. I took a long shower making sure to shampoo condition and shave. Today I'll probably meet my mate so I don't want to look like a gorilla. Once I'm done I put on my outfit.

My outfit was a White and pink polka dot dress with white leggings, and pink uggs. I combed through my hair and put a white beanie on it. My chocolate curly hair reached mid back. I added some mascara and light pink lip gloss on and went to the kitchen.

When I got there I found my birthday cake sitting on the table and presents next to it. My dad lit the candles and my family began to sing to me.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Breeja! Happy Birthday to you!" They sang in harmony.

"Thank you guys now can I eat my cake?" I ask.

"OK but we have donuts and hot chocolate too" My mom said.

"Thank you" I say as my dad hands me the first slice and I eat it. Once I finished I opened my presents.

I opened the biggest box first. It was filled with alot of arts and craft things. Since I love DIY! The next box was filled with baking things. I own a bakery duh. I open some more and I had a iPad, Mac book pro, and a pink iPhone 5c!

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" I scream hugging them all.

"Wait!" My older brother said rushing in. He had a small box in hand.

"Thanks" said opening it. There was a series of $100 gift cards for my shopping habit. Underneath all of it was a set of car keys. I start running outside. Everyone in my neighborhood was there and a sleek black Toyota truck sat in my drive way. There where pink flames painted onto the sides. I love it.

"Oh my GODDESS!!" I screamed afterward I said a series of thank yous.

"Yay you have a car so drop us off at school" My sister Aliyah said.

"OK hop in" I say.

My sister Aliyah was 16 in 12th grade born a year and 5 days after me. Then theres Jada she's 13 I'm 7th grade. Amiah 8 years old and in the 2nd grade. Then my human big brother he's 18 like me.

I drop Aliyah Jada and Amiah off at school and head to the pack house. When I got there I went to floor 5 and the 2nd room to the right. When I walked in it was personally designed. It was a nice mixture or creme and a redish pink color. It was a perfect bedroom. When I looked to the side I saw my boxes I packed to move in and presents from my friends. I carefully placed all my stuff in the right place. Once I was done I got bored and went to the kitchen to bake. When I walked in the old Luna was there reading a book.

"Hi Lila" I greeted.

"Oh hello Breeja. Are you here to bake? I hear its your birthday" She says.

"Yes ands yes it is" I say

"Well happy birthday" She says smiling.

"Thank you" I tell her.

"placed some of your favorite candies behind your pillows" Lila whispered in my ear then turned and walked away winking.

Once she left I pulled out ingredients for cupcakes. In the middle of the cupcake I filled it with chocolate chips. When they baked I coated them with chocolate frosting. All of a sudden a bunch of wolves come rushing downstairs each grabbing a cupcake.

"Hi Breeja" Rose greeted me.

Hi Rose " I greet smiling.

"Do you like the room I personally designed it" She asked.

"Nope I loved it" I sqealed.

"Thanks I do have talent" She says smirking. Then the most amazing smell hit me.

It smelled like Axe and chocolate I walked to the source. I was then standing in front of the beta of the pack. He was helping a little girl who's cupcake dropped. When he was done he looked at me. His eyes showed love.

"You make lovely cupcakes" He commented I blushed.

"Thank you" I stutter.

"Your so cute" He said grabbing me and crashed his lips to mine. I gently grab his blonde hair and kiss back. He grabs my legs and wrap it around his hips and carries me away.

"Beta do you accept me?" I ask my voice quivering.

"Of course my little cupcake" He says and starts kissing me again.

My head then hits a soft bed. The beta towers over me and looks over my body. His eyes turn black and he bits me claiming me as his.

"You...are....mine" He says in between kisses. I bit him claiming him as mine.

"Mine" I growl hugging him. He starts laughing.

"Ouch my buts on fire!!!!" My sisters ringtone sounds through my pocket. "Gotta take this" I say. It was a facetime from Amiah.

"Hey Sistaaa you found your mate?" She asks.

"Yepp" I say popping the p.

"Momma she found her mate!! Everyone come her!" She yells.

I turn away from me and turn to Beta Gavin." I guess your meeting my family" I whisper in his ear.

"Sweetie who's your mate?" My mom asks.

"Beta Gavin" I say pointing the camera to face Gavin.

"You better take care of my little girl" My dad says to Gavin.

"I will sir I love her already" He says blushing.

"Awwwww that's so cute!!" My sister Aliyah chimes in.

"Why did she have to get Gavin. I have wanted hims once forever" Jada complained. I growled and I started getting really mad.

"Mine!!" I scream ending the chat.

My body starts to sprout hair and I start to hear my bones crack. I run into the forest far away from everyone. I stop running when my legs twist in a weird form. I begin to scream and panic. Then after all the screaming it all stops and I have paws. Lovely hazel fur and eyes.

"Hi I'm Lexi your wolf" I cheery voice says.

"Its OK Breeja shift" I hear Gavin's voice say.

I picture myself human and shift back. "Shhh go to sleep" Gavin says picking my limp body up bridal style. That's all I remember before I black out.


When I woke up I was comfy in my bed. I open my eyes and find myself in the betas room. I start panicking seeing I didn't know where I was.

"Calm down Breeja its just me" Gavin mumbles.

"Mate..." Lexi says in my head. Then I begin to calm down and relax.

"So Lexi what's Gavin's Wolfs name?" I ask.

"Its Alex" Gavin says.

"That's not Gavin its Alex talking right now" Lexi says.

"Oh hi Alex" I say. "Now can you let me go?" I ask.

"I because your mine!" Alex says. Somehow his manages to find my mark and starts sucking on it. I let a moan slip out. Oops.

"WHO'S IN MY BOYFRIENDS BED!!!" An annoying voice screams jolting Gavin up

His Crazy Mate♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora