Chapter 9

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"Daddy! Kyroc is biting me!"

"Not true!"

Goblin woke up with a groan and took a look at Kyra and Kyroc. She female twin was snapping at her brother, with her orange-scaled sibling trying to bite her tail.

"Children, you do realize it's not even dawn yet and you're bickering?" Goblin inquired with a loud yawn, looking around worrily to see if the twins' bickering had not awakened the rest of the dragons.

Nope. Everyone was asleep, his own family included. Hookfang, along with his mate and hatchlings, was fast asleep, letting out noisy snores. Stormfly and her family had not their sleep disturbed either.

Nibblertooth and Lightingbolt were sleeping under their father's wing, but they were awakened by Kyra and Kyroc's argue.

"Dad, make them stop!" Nibblertooth protested.

"I was having a good dream!" Lightingbolt added up.

Pearl and Vermillion were sleeping next to their mother, Goblin was surprised that they had not been awakened. Maybe they were like their mother and had deep sleep. However, Syrilth, the youngest of the hatchlings, was always behind his father and had not yet talked.

"But he called me lizard face!" Kyra protested, pointing a wing at her brother.

Kyroc defended himself. "Because you threw a rock at me!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"Children, please, you'll wake up the whole island if you don't calm down!" Goblin hissed softly. "Why don't you go to sleep and we'll settle this matter in the morning?"

Kyra and Kyroc were upset with each other, but the least thing they wanted was their father getting angry. Reluctantly, the twin Nadders scrambled to get to their mother's side to sleep. Goblin lay his head on the ground once more to get back to sleep... only to be awakened once more, this time by the twins' bickering over the last place next to their mother. With another groan, Goblin called out to them. "Children!"

Kyra and Kyroc yelped in surprise and tucked under Quinarth's protective wing. Satisfied, Goblin shifted and fell asleep soon after.

It had been five days since the Hatching. The whole island was overwhelmed with hatchlings of all species playing and running everywhere. This was a problem at times, because the parents sometimes had trouble finding their children among all the young ones.

After hatching, baby dragons learned to walk at two days old, then to talk at three, and after two weeks, they grew big enough to fly. If they tried to fly before time, the strong winds of the island sent them back to the ground safely. That was one of the reasons the dragons had chosen that place as a breeding ground.

"Pearl, knock it off!" Goblin softly scolded his daughter, carrying her back to the nest by the tail.

"Daddy! I want to fly, like you and mommy!" the Skrill hatchling protested.

"You will, in time."

Goblin caught a tiny speck of green, and stepped on Vermillion's tail just in time when she tried to go past him. "That goes for you too."

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