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A week later, Elle is sitting on the bed in the room she shared with Bellamy

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A week later, Elle is sitting on the bed in the room she shared with Bellamy. She'd gotten rid of the crutches and now only had her brace and a slight limp. She was reading a book when all of a sudden, a loud clap of thunder made her jump. As if on cue, the alarm sounds and she hears yelling. She runs out to the main hall, hearing the yelling.

Black rain.

She panicked slightly, praying that Bellamy and the others were okay.

"Okay, guys!" She yells, quickly jumping into action. "Remember! All wet clothing in the designated zone! Check in with your section leaders! We need head counts!"

She then rushes toward the door, making sure everyone made it in. She freezes when she sees a brown-eyed boy washing the rain from his skin. "Bellamy?"

He looks up at the sound of his name and breaks out into a grin. "Elle."

Elle takes off running, dismissing the ache in her ankle, and jumps into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.  "Oh God, I missed you so much!" She says, holding onto him tightly.

Bellamy grips her waist, hugging her tight. "I missed you, too, baby." He whispers, burying his face in her hair.

After a few seconds, he releases her back to her feet. "Where's Octavia?"

Elle looks up at Kane, sighing softly. She looks back at him. "She left, Bell."

"What? Where'd she go?"

"We don't know. She couldn't stay here..."

"Well, we have to go find her!" He says, turning toward the door.

"No," Elle says, grabbing his arm and making him look at her. "Bell, she's strong. She's gonna be fine. You know how it is for her here."

"Hello?" A voice asks over the radio. "Can anyone hear me? Look, we're caught in the rain, and it burns. We're trapped in the rubble just north of the factory crash. Please. Can anybody hear me?"

Kane grabs his radio. "This is Chancellor Kane. I hear you. Can you hear me?"

Relief floods the voice. "Kane. Kane, it's Mark Colton. Look, please, my son is soaked with black rain. Please. You gotta help us."

Elle looks up at Bellamy, knowing he was going out there to help them.

And she'd be damned if she was gonna let him go alone.


Bellamy quickly headed into the hangar bay to find the spacesuits. He grabbed one and sighed, seeing all of the tears. No doubt from the fire.

"Bellamy, I'm coming with you." Elle blurts out as she watches him.

He doesn't even look up at her. "No, you're not."

No Matter What | Bellamy Blake (1) // The 100 || ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now