Chapter 3

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       Thomas was in his room getting ready to depart. He was wearing dark wash jeans, a tight  black muscle shirt that proved just how much he had been training,and a brown jacket over it with black combat boots. He went to the other side of the room to his dresser and opened the bottom draw. Inside were about twenty weapons. Thomas took one of his guns and put it in the hidden pocket on the inside of his jacket. The pocket, he made specifically to hide his gun. He also put one Chinese dagger in each of his boots and covered the top of them with his jeans. He went to his bed and picked up his bag slinging it over his shoulder in the process. Thomas walked out the door to be greeted by Newt and Minho dressed and ready for the long road trip to Beacon Hills, California. Without a word they headed out of the building the had called home for the first time in weeks.
      Thomas picked to take his car for the trip. He bought it with WICKED's money. It's a 2008 black jeep. He didn't know why he did, it just spoke to him.
       The ride was over ten hours long. After all they were driving from Mexico to southern California.       
      Thomas thought his head was going to explode. Newt and Minho wouldn't stop bickering. He just wanted to sleep. After all he was the one driving. Finally he made a decision.
       "Thats enough. Both of you slim it before I push you out of the car."
Both his friends went quiet and mumbled quiet apologies under their breaths.
      "There's a rest stop in a few miles and were going to stop. Minho its your turn to drive, I want to sleep." They pulled up to the station and got out to fill their stomachs and use the bathroom. When they came back they all climbed in and set off again.
Thomas woke up to the sun shining bright through the top of his jeep. Minho and Newt were talking about Newts memories.
"-mom died when I was around four and then my dad didn't want me so ,I'm an orphan." He decided to announce his presence by speaking which startled the both of them.
"That's really sad Newt, but at least that means you can stay with us as long as you want."
Minho was hoping to go live with his family and go to school for senior year with his friends. Thomas just wanted to find his family. And Newt was hoping to finish school and live his life away from WICKED.
They sat in a comfortable silence the rest of the trip. Thinking about the possibilities for them after coming back. After a few hours they pulled up to a hotel. WICKED had a lot of money so they could stay as long as they want without running out. It was only a few weeks till school started. That means time to remember and find Minho and Thomas's families.
     "Thomas we're going to the store. You coming?"Minho called.
     "Yea. Give me two seconds." Thomas walked out of the bathroom and slipped on his boots.
      "I got shotgun." Newt said and scurried out the door. Minho yelled back.
      "I already called it. Ha!" Thomas chuckled under his breath listening to his best friends tease each other.
       Thomas was walking in parking lot heading to entrance of the store with his friends in tow. Thomas was walking when suddenly he came to an abrupt stop. Just for a second he stood there with a confused face, then it contorted into pain. He covered his ears with his hands.
        "Tommy what's wrong?"Newt asked as they rushed over to him. Thomas opened his mouth to talk but instead,screamed. He fell to the pavement and was writhing in pain. They tried to help him up but it was no use. He had already gone limp in their arms.
(Thomas/Stiles POV)
I was walking thinking about what to get at the store when a sound echoed in my head. It sounded like it was screams. My own. Then it came louder knocking me to the ground.
      Newt said something i couldn't understand and tried to help me up. I tried to tell them what was wrong but I couldn't. Instead I screamed. It sounded just like the ones in my head. Then the pain was to much and i collapsed. Then was enveloped into something that looked like a memory. 
    "What is your name?" A middle aged woman asked him. I was sitting on a medical table with a device over my head.
    "Stiles Stilinski!" I yelled in her face. She couldn't take his name. That was a part of him.
    "No it's not. It's Thomas." She said. She sent another wave of pain through me, this one stronger then the last. I couldn't handle it. It was to much finally I succumbed to her and said. 
    "Thomas. My name is Thomas." After I said it the lady next to me smiled.
    "Good,say it again." She ordered and turned the machine on again. Another wave of pain hit me. I heard my own screams as I was swept into my next memory.
      There I was again, sitting strapped down on a cold metal table. A young doctor, probably in his early thirties walked through the door. He strode over to the counter with a smirk on his face, and swiftly opened the draw. He pulled out a syringe,needle, and a bottle with a dark liquid in it. He filled the syringe with the liquid and held it in the air to make sure he got the right amount. He turned to me and gave me a vicious smile.
"Hello Thomas, are you ready to be stronger?" He didn't wait for my answer and planted the needle in my arm.
In the next memory I was doing something amazing. I was sparring with WICKED agents, but gray smoke was surrounding my fists.(like a male scarlet witch)Then I pulled Chinese ring daggers from thin air. They were solid, how could they be solid? It's smoke. I kept fighting the agents till every single one was down. A door opened on the other side of the room and the lady he saw in his other flashbacks walked through clapping her hands.
"Thomas, nice job. Your getting better with your powers. We'll be starting the maze soon so when your done training meet me in conference room 6a, we need to speak." I nodded and went back to beating the agents asses.
I woke up to Minho and Newt's worried faces hovering over me.
"Oh my god, tommy what happened?" Newt asked as he and Minho helped me up.
"That's not my name." I stated while watching the shocked expressions of my friends faces.
"It's Stiles. Stiles Stilinski." I sifted through my new found memories and looked down at my hands. In this moment I decided to keep my powers a secret, for the time being.

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