Chappie 2: Chicks and pancakes

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For my lovely yaoi friends~


It was a quiet day today. A chilly day to be exact but the sound of the leaves rustling in the winds and the smell of bacon in the morning is one of the many things that the quiet Canadian loved to feel in the first few hours of the day. Speaking about the Canadian, he was cooking up a batch of soft, delicious pancakes right now! The smell of pancakes and bacon wafted through the house (( weird combi right? )) and it might awaken a certain hunger from someone unexpected.

He was humming to the tune off 'Canadian Please' and bobbing his head to the tune playing in his head. A typical morning in the Williams household is usually calm and quiet as how the nation prefers it to be but unwanted guests can also disrupt a peaceful moment like this.

Matthew has finished with the preperations for the first meal of his day and now, all he needs is to dig in and enjoy the breakfast cakes and crispy bacon strips with his signature maple syrup, best in the world (( just put maple syrup on everything )), and a little bit of butter.

He lifted his fork with the slice of the pancake laced with the sweet syrup stabbed on, unto his mouth but a distant and familiar chirp made him stop and made him wonder too. It sounded so familiar, and either way he feels like it reminded him of someone.

A  strong gust of wind came through the double doors of his windows, and out came a small  chick! You know who that chick is, no it's not Chicken Little or a hot girl (( you wish )). It was obviously Gilbird the awesome.

Matthew jumped and yelped a little in pain when he bumped his thigh to the edge of the dining table trying to stand up because of pure shock and surprise. His mouth hanged wide open and confusion plasteres his face the whole time asking himself 'why the hell is Gilbird here?!' He wondered to loudly that he didn't notice the bird was already happily nibbling a piece of the syrup covered cake off from the fork he dropped when jerking his seat to stand up. Being the quiet and patient nation he is, he approached the unexpected guest on the table and took the liberty of sitting next to him, on a chair of course.

"So much for a peaceful morning, eh?" He said quietly and left a gentle gaze ontu Gilbird, Matthew decided to make some coffee but even before he could reach the kitchen... A loud thud echoed through the room and the alarmed Canadian went back to the diner, looking for the source of the noise. Just as he looked straight to the living room, he saw a frustrated German, sweating and out of breath. 

"G-Gilbert?" The Canadian gasped in shock... He quickly regained his composure and went to the paled Gilbert on the doorway. The swinging of the door, slamming the wall made the sound... Gilbert caused it, but he figured that he was looking for Gilbird, that's why he was frustrated. 

"Gil, Gilbird's in the dining room... If that's the reason why you're here..." Matthew said quietly, looking down and pointing to small entryway of the room. Gilbet, gained his carefree composure and gave relieving smile to Matthew as he made his way to the Dining room. 

Matthew followed quietly and went to the kitchen to cook up another batch of pancakes. 

"Sorry for intruding, We were just walking through zhe park and Gilly here decided to fly avay. Good thing he vent here..."  Gilbirt trailed off, Mattew looked at him and just gave a sly smile.

"It's okay, Gilbirt. It's nice having guests sometimes..." Matthew said.

He looked at how Gilbird and Gilbert were happily eating the pancakes he made, the thought of eating with someone really is great. He smiled at the thought but it quickly faded off to a sly pout. He couldn't... 

Gilbert was eating and he gave off a harty laugh, but when he gazed to Matthew it bewildered him. "Hey, Matt are you okay?" He said, concerned playing on his face. Matthew looked down and whispered, he didn't want him to mix up with his  problems.

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