Chapter 1: This Means War

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Lucy's POV:

I sighed as I breathed in the pleasant aroma of fresh flowers. I loved being outside during summer in Magnolia but today seemed just a little bit brighter. I smiled at a group of children running past me, a kite in hand. I looked behind me at Plue who was following me. I began to walk on the edge of the river like I normally did every morning on my way to the guild. I looked into the water and saw a rippled, slightly blue version of myself. I look good today! It was one of those days where you just couldn't stop smiling no matter what you did.

"Careful Lucy! Don't want to fall in!" I heard the familiar voice of the man on the boat that called to me everyday on my commute.

"I will!" I called back with a smile so big I couldn't keep my eyes open. I continued to walk until I reached the stone building that I'd grown to love over the years with Fairy Tail. Natsu, Happy and I are going on a mission today and I bet they'll be eager to leave as soon as I step foot in the guild hall. When I entered my smile slowly faded as the mood of the others washed over me. "Everything okay?"

"We can't find Levy." Gray replied as he sat on a stool at the bar. I looked to the table where Natsu, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Pantherlily and Gajeel were sitting. Gajeel looked especially on edge, I could hear him mumbling to himself things like: "She should be here by now." "She promised she would be here an hour ago!" and "She's never late."

"I can't take this anymore! I'm going to find her!" Gajeel snapped as he slammed his fist on the table. He stood to his feet but was abruptly stopped by Pantherlily who flew in front of him.

"Trust, Gajeel. She won't like it if you get all upset about her being a little late. I'm sure she'll be here soon." Lily stated which seemed to calm him down a bit.


Another hour passed before Gajeel was done waiting. He stood up in anger and when Lily tried to fly beside him Gajeel pushed him away. "I'll go alone." He blandly replied and stormed out of the guild hall. I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes. I hope Levy is okay, but I agree with Gajeel, she's never late for anything.

"You okay Luce?" Natsu asked as he put his hand on my shoulder. I could always count on Natsu to know when I needed someone.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Levy. It's not like her to not show up For this long." I looked down and rested my head on my crossed arms laying on the table. Natsu did the same and for a minute I could almost fall asleep.

"She's gone!" Gajeel yelled as he made one of his Grand entrances. I jerked up when I heard this and was about to ask a question when a hologram appeared in the middle of the guild hall. A familiar man with a spiky beard and equally spiky hair, Ivan.

"Why, Gajeel is right! Your guild mate is gone!" He smirked and chuckled a bit. "She's with us now, if you ever want to see Ms. McGarden again I suggest you do what we say."

"IVAN YOU COWARD!" Gramps snapped in anger as he jumped to his feet. I could see Gajeel shaking with rage.

"To get the tramp back you either have to pay a 100 000 000 Jewel ransom or attempt to fight us for her. It's your choice, but I wouldn't recommend the latter." He laughed as we all sneered. We heard a blood chilling scream ring out of the hologram. "Oh my! By the sounds of that you don't have much time to make your choice." The hologram disappeared into thin air. Gajeel started sprinting for the door, I've never seen him this angry and he's angry a lot. All of a sudden he was stopped by a red barrier spell in front of the door.

"What the hell is this!?" Gajeel roared as he tried to break through.

"I'm sorry Gajeel, this is a very sensitive situation and we can't jump to do anything rash." Freed spoke up from behind the crowd.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! I NEED TO GO GET SHRIMP AND GIVE THOSE BONEHEADS AT RAVEN TAIL A BEAT DOWN!" He growled as he began to run towards Freed but was stopped by yet another wall.

"I'm sorry Gajeel, but I agree with Freed, we need to carefully determine what to do before doing anything." Master explained.

"But we can't just sit here while Levy is out there getting tortured!" Natsu yelled as he got up too. "She's part of our family! We can't just abandon her like this!"

"We won't." I grabbed Natsu's arm and he looked back at me and sat back down.

"I guess you're right Master." Natsu sighed.

"WHAT THE HELL FLAME BRAIN! I thought you were on my side! If Lucy got taken you would be half way there by now!" I could feel Natsu's arm tense.

"Well, I hate to break it to you Master but we don't just have 100 000 000 Jewel lying around so I think our choice is clear." Gray piped in.

"That's exactly what he wants! Hmm..." Master was thinking for what felt like hours when he finally spoke. "If a fight is what Ivan wants, he'll get a fight! And we won't leave until we've taken back what's rightfully ours!" He yelled, raising his hand in the air.

"So what does this mean?" Juvia asked as she stood next to Gray. Natsu shot up and spoke.

"This means war!"

I might not have a consistent update schedule at first but I plan to have one in the future. Hope you like it! Love you guys! ❤


GUILD WARS (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें