Chapter 2: I Don't Know

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Juvia's POV:

Natsu's words rang in my ear. We didn't know where to go from here, what to do and how to go about it. I looked over at Gray who looked troubled, he got up and swiftly walked to the base of the guild stairs. Gray walked up a few steps and sat down, he ran his hand through his hair and looked down. I decided to go to him, I wanted to know what was wrong. I walked up to where my beloved was sitting and sat next to him. Our arms were touching slightly which made me squeal in my mind.

"G-Gray?" I asked as he turned to me slightly surprised.

"Oh, Juvia! I didn't even notice you!" He looked back over his shoulder out into the guild hall.

"Heart breaking." I mumbled under my breath. How could he not know I was there!

"Why?" Gray whispered so softly I could hardly hear it.

"Why what?" I asked and he turned to me for a second time.

"Why would they do this? Why Fairy Tail? And why Levy?" Gray replied looking into my sad blue eyes. Though they looked worried, his eyes sparkled like a beautiful aqua Jem glistening in the light. Gray's hair fell perfectly in his eyes, little black strands perfectly cutting the beauty up his eyes up as if to water them down like his eyes alone would be too much for me to comprehend all at once. "Juvia, you okay?" Gray asked, bringing me out of my trance. "You've just been staring at me for a long time."

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I got a little distracted is all." As I said this Gray gave me a slight smile throwing me back into my thoughts.

Erza's POV:

"What would we do Master?" I asked, as Master thought deeply of what we were to do. Though it may not seem so, the Master always has a plan. He would figure out exactly what to do and we would win like always. I stared at him, begging for a response but none came. Finally he rose from his seat.

"I don't know." Master stated blandly, I was shocked. Master always had a plan, I guess it's up to us to think of something.

"Why don't we just go and beat those posers up and get shrimp back!" Gajeel growled, still trapped in the walls that surrounded him.

"No, hmm...What if we choose the money?" I thought aloud.

"We can't, we don't have enough." Lucy stated sadly.

"No, what I'm saying is that we can say we'll give the money and use the extra time to get ready, then surprise attack them when they least expect it!" I clenched my fist and raised it.

"That...that could work!" Master Makarov explained excitedly. "Everyone has to keep their cool, no matter what." Master looked over at Gajeel who looked deep in thought, he grit his teeth.

"Fine, but I go in and get shrimp." Gajeel replied as the barrier surrounding him disappeared.


After our discussion everyone got the rest of the day off. I decided to go on a walk to clear my head. I was going to have to do a lot of training if I was going to beat those jerks at Raven Tail. After the Grand Magic Games we saw that they were much more powerful then we thought. Master Makarov has been really angry since the end of the games after seeing Ivan, and now that a war is coming up I'm really worried about him. Master is too old to be fighting anyone especially his son, not to mention Laxis has to face his father as well. It really is heart breaking to see a family so broken. Then again their real family, Fairy Tail, will always be at their side to hold them up. By now it was getting dark so I decided to walk home.


The day after our discussion we all decided to walk to the Raven Tail guild hall and declare our choice in person. Master chose a few of us to go with him and deliver the news. Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Lucy and I were escorting him. Gajeel wanted to come but Master Makarov thought it wouldn't be a good idea, something could trigger him and he would lose his temper. We could see the hall in the distance and we were all getting a little tense because of it.

"So, do you think they'll buy it?" Natsu asked as he walked beside Lucy.

"I really hope so." Master replied with worry in his voice.

"They will." I said as we walked down the yellowy dirt path. I noticed a little sign with an arrow that read 'Beware' on it. I looked where the arrow pointed to and saw there was a square shaped opening that had boards nailed to it. It had railroad tracks that were pretty beat up coming out of the opening and in bold red paint was written 'do not enter' "Weird." I stated under my breath. I was guessing it was an abandoned lacrima mine.

"This place is giving me the hibigeebies!" Lucy remarked as she began to rub her shoulders. I could feel that the wind had picked up making the area considerably cold.

"Do you want my scarf Luce?" Natsu asked blandly.

"No, I'm good thanks." She replied.

"How are you doing Master, we can stop for a break if you like?" I asked Master Makarov but he gave no answer and just continued to walk. I could tell from the way he looked that he was troubled, and quite frankly I don't blame him. This place is very creepy, it has black trees without leaves, a cold wind and the guild hall looming in the foreground. I walked up to the door and knocked immediately another hologram appeared behind me. I turned to see Ivan smirking, I walked down with the others before he began to speak.

"What have you decided?" Ivan asked evilly. All eyes turned to Master who took a long pause before answering.

"We have decided to pay the ransom." He answered and we could sense the surprise on Ivan's face.


"You heard me Ivan! We're going to pay." Master snapped.

"Well, I'm going to need something to insure you're going to pay up." Ivan sneered.

"Ivan!" Master yelled in anger as Gray held him back.

"I want the blonde." His smirk maddened me.


"N-Natsu, I'll go." Lucy took a deep breath as she stepped forward.

"No! You can't go!" Natsu exclaimed as he grabbed Lucy's arm.

"Natsu, ..." She whispered something in his ear and he backed down. Lucy walked up to the doors and they opened. Lucy turned before the doors closed behind her.

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